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Stiles was a werewolf now but that did not dampen the love I have for him,I picked up Billie later on that night and took her to see her father under both their requests.

"Mommy why are daddy's eyes bright blue is he okay" I woke up to Billie in me and Stiles's bed,Stiles was at the mirror examining his eyes "I don't know,Stiles are you okay" his head snapped towards us and shook his head "Lyds they've been like this for an hour,I have work in forty minutes" you could tell Stiles was distressed it upset me to see him like that "how about we call Scott,he will know what to do,right"I smiled at my answer "Yeah I'll call him now can you grab me my phone" I handed him his phone and watched him move to the next room "Mom you never told me why dad's eyes were blue" I looked at my sleepy daughter and smiled "he's okay honey,I'll explain later,how about we get you ready for kindergarten,we can get you your favorite dress" Billie squealed and raced to her room "come on mom".

Stiles's p.o.v

I could not process what was actually happening,first I found out I was a werewolf after finding out Lydia was a Banshee,second my eyes are bright blue and according to Scott means I need his help since they haven't stopped glowing yet. Scott had been a werewolf for a while now which meant my trust in him with my situation was huge,hopefully he can figure this out so I can go to work.

I hear the door open downstairs "Stiles where are you" my feet raced down the staircase like a kid on Christmas day  "Scott,bro you gotta help me,I'm freaking the fuck out" Scott looked at me and started bursting out laughing "chill Stiles,just look into my eyes and concentrate" I looked at him in a way that said 'dude really' "this feels like I'm in a freaking romance movie" Scott rolled his eyes  "hurry up".

Scott's eyes turned bright red causing me to fall over "Scott warn me next time your eyes turn blood red" I looked in the mirror and my eyes were back to normal,thank god.


Hi guys,you probably hate me right now because I'm a crap updater,anyways I really hope you enjoy this chapter !!!

Jade xo

It worked (sequel to the way their world worked)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora