Chapter 21 - 'Thank yous' all around.

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(Sorry for any Spelling/Granmar mistakes, please feel free to point them out so that I can change them :P)

Jesse's POV

"Noah, do you mind asking them yo come see me. Please?"

"If it means y'all can sort out your differences, sure thang."

"Cheers bro."

"Any time bud." He smiles and salutes me before leaving.

I shake my head, who salutes people these days.

I continue working and signing off sheets and documents while I await my next task. What will I even say? Do? I get so lost in my thoughts, that the knock at the door startles me.

"C.. come in." I say while composing myself.

In walk Luke and Susie.

Luke looks at me sheepishly while Susie looks with sadness.

Luke goes to speak but I cut him off.

"Look guys, I don't want bo arguments and I'm nit trying to pick a fight, the past is behind us. Although you're still a dick Luke." I chuckle trying to brighten the mood. "I know you would never cheat on me Susie, I know you're not the type too. Luke, I know for a fact you can be a sound lad... but recently all you're doing is being a jerk. Why is that? You're nice to everyone but to me you are not, you want to anger me all the time, why?"

"You are meant to be Alpha of this pack, YOU. Not me, not anyone else. Even as Alpha I'm still weaker than you, I'm unable to beat you in a running race, heck I don't know an Alpha that can, except Nala that is and she isn't even Alpha! You can win in our training fights against me, the best of it is, you are human while im in wolf form.. in wolf form I'm stronger, a lot stronger. But agains you I'm not, you make it look easy. People listen to you,  they respect you even though you're not Alpha. You were BORN to lead, you NEED to lead." He finally stops for a breath before continuing. "Your parents want you to be the best Alpha this pack has ever seen, they know you will be."

"How can you know what my parents wanted for me?" I snarl.

"My father their Beta, bestfriend amd brother by law, they didn't keep secrets between each other. They made a promise to look after each others children should anything happen to them."

"But why are you so dead set on me becoming Alpha right now? I can be the best Alpha later on in life. "

"Because I can't stand being Alpha, I hate it. I'm irresponsible,  unreliable and darn rubbish at leading. Without a leader this pack will fall apart, they need you Jesse." He growls out his annoyance. I watch as Susie places her hand on his shoulder,  calming him. I smile at the pair.

"You were never a bad leader, you may have ignored advice and ideas at times but rubbish leader you were not."

His eyes shine as he looks at me and several emotions flit across his face before he settles with gratitude.

He formally bows down low in front of me. "Thank you Jesse."

"No need to thank me, I'm just being honest and quit witg the bowing. You've gotta know I hate that." I growl playfully.

"Sorry." He chuckles sheepishly.

"Right so are we all cool guys? No disagreements?"

"None." Luke answer straight away.

"I just want to apologise Jesse." Susie speaks after a moment. "I'm sor..."

"STOP!" I cut her off. "Please, there is no need to apologise. I overreacted and got angry at you and Luke for it. But we all know that we don't choose our mates. I so badly wanted it to be you, I really did. I now accept that I must wait on another and I also know that you will be looked after, Luke will treat you well. Cause if he doesn't, you got Mr Alpha to sort him out." I joke with a wink.

Susie comes around the desk and pulls me into a hug. "I wanted it to be you too Jesse." She whispers as she kisses my cheek softly.

I turn to look at Luke to make sure he isn't angry with what she just said, but he has a small smile on his face. I guess he's juat as happy as I am seeing us all getting along.

Once Susie pulls away and stands back next to Luke, he places his hand into hers. I smile and tell them they're free to leave.

Not even ten minutes later of the pair leaving receive a call from Alpha Finch.

"Hello Mr Wolfe, I am pleased to inform you that myself, my luna and my beta are able to attend your Alpha change this evening. If you would allow it, my pack would also like to attend. Your mother and father were great people to my pack and family in our time of need amd all would be furally honoured to see their son become Alpha." Straight down to business, I like it.

"Hello Sir, I would like to thank you in person tonight for accepting my offer. I had no idea of your knowledge of my parents bur I thank you for your kind words. Your park are mist welcome to attend this evening. There is plenty of room for friends of the Wolfe Grey Pack."

"My pack will be pleased with the news."

"I thought that half 7 would be a suitable time for this evening as its not too late for the cubs to stay up and be apart of it all. It's also a good evening to celebrate as midnight will be the 10 year anniversary of my parents death. Food will be provided for all and accommodation too, for those that wish to rest or sleep."

"You have planned well and thought on your feet, the making of a great Alpha in my opinion. And I believe thier anniversary is a great thing to honour, your parents will be proud of the man you've become."

I close my eyes to calm myself and choke out my thanks before saying goodbye.

My parents death has always been a touchy subject and each year I have spent their anniversary alone. It was selfish of me to think I was the only one to greve, many looked up to my parents as family. I have shown no support to those people and its time finally did.

Only one more thing needs to be done for this evenings gathering.

[Noah please come to my office]

[Awh babes again. You missing me already?] I laugh in response.

"So what do you need me and my good looks for?" He grins, gestures to himself and winks. "Oh and how'd the talk go?"

"The talk went better thank expected,  it was alright. No disagreements and hate towards each other."

"Good to hear man, good to hear!"

"As to the reason I called yoy in here, I would like you to be the first to see something before both our pack and Finch's pack do. You're my bestmate and Beta, you deserve to see first."

"Show me what? Should I be worried? I don't need to see your man bits if thats what this is!" The look of horror on his face was priceless.

"No you will no be seeing my 'man bits' as you so nicely put it." I chuckle. "I want to show you this..."

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