Chapter 23 - I Name You Alpha

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(Sorry for any Spelling/Grammar mistakes, please feel free to point them out so that I can correct them :P)

Jesse's POV.

To say Noah was surprised would be an understatement. His eyes had gone wide and words seemed to fail him.

"H.. How?" He finally managed.

"I'll explain it all to you later, and I mean all! But right now we've gotta get things set up for this evening."

"Who else knows?"

I look down at my feet. "No-one."

"So I'm first?" He then asks.

"Yes you're the first." I give a faint smile.

"Sweet!" And with that he turns and heads for the door.

It's safe to say he took that better than I was expecting.

"Come on Jesse."

"Y.. Yeah, right. I'm coming."

We head out, then begin moving and setting up furniture outside.

The weather had been so nice the past few days that I'd decided on an outside gathering, outside would be perfect.

After a few hours of hard grafting we'd finally managed to bring around two hundred chairs to the garden.

It took us nearly 15 minutes to decide on a layout, we settled on the chairs being placed in a large half circle, row behind row, allowing me to be centre of attention this evening in front of everyone.

Tables were lain out in a row ready for the guests and awaiting the food they're to hold.

"Seating's a check, what's next?"

"Well, Finch is gonna invite his pack so we'll need accomidation, some shall be staying."

"All teens can go into the ballroom, have a giant sleep over? That way we can get the teens interacting with the other pack, allows new friendships to be formed and the possibility of mates to be found. It also allows us to use the now empty rooms for the adults who wish to stay for the night." Noah finally suggested.

"This is why you're my man Noah! Great idea, go and get a group together and lay out the soft carpets over the wooden floors. One room for the lads and the other next door for the ladies."

"Ok man, ill gather all the teenagers together and let them know the sleeping arrangements, I'll get them to bring out all the bedding stock from the store rooms. We'll kit out all the bedrooms going unused with fresh bedding and then fill the ballrooms with the rest of it."

"I'll go help the ladies in the kitchen, I promised Luise I'd give them a hand."

"We best get cracking then, I finally get to be boss and tell people what to do." He winks.

"Has all that chair moving tired you out bro." I mock.

"You bet it has, I'll supervise the teens."

"You'd only be moving bedding!"

"Yeah but they can get some exercise in, I'm not going up and down those bloody stairs all day, I wanna be able to walk this evening."

"Good point well made." I laugh heading in the opposite direction. "See you in a bit and we'll finish our talk." I add as an after thought.

While helping Luise in the kitchen I ran her through the ideas myself and Noah had for everyone fending for themselves. One of the lads walked in shortly after carrying a huge white board that I'd ordered earlier.

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