Chapter 1- Things

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Cross's P.O.V

I was lying down in the void. I was crying again and held on to my knife. I threw it at the wall. "Hey Chara" I said without turning around. "Huh, you know its me nowadays" Chara said. "Um duh! Your the only one around!" I said. "What abou-" she said but I cut her off. "The dust or dead souls do not count!" I yelled. "Okay! Geez! Calm down!" Chara yelled. "But its your fault!" I yelled. "Yeah! I know! But that guy will think your crazy!" Chara yelled back. "So you know tha- Wait! What?!" I yelled turning around. I saw a skeleton dripping in black goo. He has only one blue eye while the other is covered. "Um....Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"Who are you?" He asked. "Um, the name's Cross" I said. "Nightmare" he replied. I put out a hand and his gooey tentacle. "So whats up?" He asked. "Not much, just lonely" I stated. "Well you could live with me as long as you do what I say and follow my rules" he stated. "Okay" I said. He grabbed me with his tentacle and teleported. I gaped. It was a castle. I've been here before.

Hopefully he didn't find that chest. "Hey, I've been here before..." I said looking around. "You have?" Nightmare asked. "Yup" I said. "Its just,before it was empty. You must have owned it but well....wasn't there" I said. "Oh okay" Nightmare said. "HEY GUYS!!" Nightmare yelled. I turned to see more sanses or versions of me.

I glared at all of them. "Hey Nights, whats up?" The dark blue one said. "This is Cross" Nightmare said. They turned to me and I just frowned. "Hi?" The dark blue one said. "I'm Dust" the dark blue one said. "Killer" said the one with goo coming from his eyes. "Horror" said the one with a hole in his skull. "Error" said the glitchy one. "Um okay?" I said unsure. "Smooth" Chara said. I lost it. "Shut it Chara!" I yelled at her. "You look crazy to them" she said laughing on the floor.

"Its not my fault that I'm the only one who can see you because your in ghost form!" I yelled. She sighed. "Whatever, just explain to them, bye!" She said going in my mind. "ARGHH!!! WHY DOES SHE ALWAYS DO THIS!!!!" I yelled throwing my 7 inch knife at a wall. "Hey! Mind the wall! Thats a badass knife and stop talking to yourself!" Nightmare said. "See" Chara said. I huffed and turned to them then looked away. "Hey Nights, I found this chest in my room" Dust said.

I turned his direction. The chest had a Cross in it. I panicked inside but I remembered it had a lock. "Can't open it?" Nightmare asked. "Nope but we can just slice it open!" Horror said. They all nodded but I panicked. They were about to hit it until I yelled out. "STOP!!" I yelled. They froze and turned to me. I took the chest and said, "please don't, this chest is actually mine".

"Well, open it" Nightmare said. I sighed and frowned. "Its private.." I trailed off. "Do it" he said sternly. I searched for the key and grabbed it. I pulled out the heart shaped key and unlocked the chest. I looked inside it and searched to see if everything was still there and it was. I took out the picture of my Papyrus and my family. I felt tears but I didn't let them fall. I looked for the most important thing. I took a container. They grabbed the chest and looked inside. I was still holding my container. They snatched it and shook it. "HEY! STOP!" I grabbed it and opened it. I saw that everything inside was still okay. I glared at them and kept everything. They are going to ask about the container......................

My Mean Lover (Crossmare/Nightcross)Where stories live. Discover now