14-You Better Study

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Yeah It's been like three years..my bad




"Hey, slow down it's not going anywhere" Larson laughed, amused at how much food I could inhale. "Don't tell me to slow down when you dip your pancakes in syrup". That shit was foul. "Larson why did you do that". I blurted out, not being able to take it anymore.

"Did you not like it?". He asked and I frowned. "Of course I did..I just..".

I didn't know what to say, so I shoved a spoonful of eggs in my mouth. "My big game is next week, I hope to see you there". He finally said, I nodded and set my fork down. "I'll bring Jared ,he'll keep me company". I let out a satisfied groan and re arranged my pants. I was stuffed and ready to take a nap. Larson waved for the waiter to come by and he payed for the food , leaving a decent tip.

"Oh boy, you look like you're ready to crash". He laughed, I nodded and walked to the car. If I ate a lot of food I simply wanted to do nothing but nap right after. I buckled up and rested my head against the window, staring at Larson through the reflection.

What did this mean for us?

"What are some things you like to do?". I asked, I never really got to ask that question.

"Hockey for one, I love working out and eating oh and don't tell anyone but I like to read..video games are cool too." He said, turning down my street. What, Larson liked to read, who would've thought. "What is your favorite book?". I asked.

"Golden boy is a pretty great book and don't make fun of me but North of beautiful too". He said with a chuckle.

"Are you kidding me North of beautiful is the best book ever, I wish they could make a movie out of it". I whispered.

"I don't know, movies never really live up to the book but who knows". He said, parking in my driveway. "Yeah but it's always nice to have a visual".

"Sometimes you don't need to, just picture it yourself or let it be". He said, shuffling in his seat. He unbuckled and I got out with him, walking to the front door.

"I had fun tonight.. thank you for taking me out". I said, grabbing the key out of my pocket. He smiled down at me and I looked around. "Can I kiss you?". He asked, making my cheeks get fuzzy.

Now he decided to ask permission.

I nodded, and he bent down placing his lips against mine. It was slow and his lips were so soft. He pulled away all too soon and I mentally groaned. "Goodnight Micah, I'll see you tomorrow morning". He whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. I bit my bottom lip and nodded, turning so I could unlock my front door.

My heart ached as I closed the door behind me and headed upstairs. I grabbed the sticky note on my door and smiled.

At work, Mickey. I made some sandwiches if you're hungry and bought a new carton of icecream. I love you and call me if you need anything xoxo -Mom

I placed in the draw where all the other sticky notes she wrote me were, and undressed out of my clothes. This whole situation was screwed up and was only digging myself a deeper hole by hanging out with him more. I landed on my bed with a sign and curled into my pillow.

Did I really want this?


"Come on!". Jared, yelled again pulling on my blankets. I groaned and kicked at him causing him to grab my leg and pull me off. "Ughh! Why?!". I groaned, looking around my room. I don't mean to brag but I am pretty lucky to have a bestfriend come to my house every morning, even if he isn't going to school. However it's the early morning hours that drive me mad. 

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