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The rest of the school year wasn't particularly hard for the boys. Scott had his birthday and invited the whole class, the only person to show was Mitch. But Scott wasn't upset about it. It was a bit shocking to see the blonde so happy.

The only time the two really spent apart was during Christmas break when the Grassi's had went back to New York to visit family.

And even then the friends were constantly texting and snapping and calling and Facetiming. It was to the point where the mothers had to take the cell phones during Christmas dinner.

They had only known each other a few months but Scott and Mitch couldn't imagine their lives without their best friend.

Sixth grade... middle school... things changed. The two were as close as ever. But now they had different classes. They still saw each other during school in choir, which they loved, and gym, which they hated. They sat together at lunch. However, Scott was in the advanced classes and Mitch wasn't quite as academically strong. 

They hated the time they were apart. Though Mitch would venture to say that he spent more time in Scott's classes the first week of school than he did his own. The poor boy had anxiety attacks every time Mitch left him. On the bright side, it didn't really give Mitch a chance to panic.

It got bad enough that Connie requested to have her son removed from the higher level group and placed with Mitch. The school wouldn't budge, citing Scott's need for academically engaging, challenging, and stimulating material. At that point however, Connie didn't give two shits about that. She just wanted her son not to be so terrified of school.

The anxiety calmed after a few arduous weeks. Scott still hated his classes without Mitch but the younger boy's pep talks every morning helps tremendously.

During one particularly bad attack, Mitch was holding a sobbing Scott in the floor of the classroom. The teacher allowing other students to ogle at the poor boys. Mitch heard snickers but tried to focus on Scott.

The next day at lunch one of Scott's classmates called them fags. Neither boy said anything, too afraid of confrontation.

It happened again the next day.

And the next day.

And the next day.

If any of the staff noticed they did nothing to aid the two friends.

The ridicule got worse and worse to the point where the boys hated their lunch period. With the support of each other they made it through that half an hour every day.

A few weeks later, after school in Scott's room, while they were waiting for Mrs. Hoying to fix dinner, pasta because it was Thursday, Mitch told the blonde he had a secret.

"Mitchie we don't keep secrets from each other!"
"I know that's why I'm telling you. I'm just scared you're going to hate me."
"I could never hate you. You're my best friend."
"Scottie... I think... I think... ummm... I might kinda... be..."
"Mitch spit it out."
"I'm gay!"
"Yea... do you hate me?"
"No... cause I think I might be too."
"Yea. I mean I don't look at girls and think 'hey she's cute but that guy, Trevor, in our gym class is hella fine."
"Oh my gosh! He's so dreamy!"
"Hey Mitchie?"
"Have you told your parents?"
"No. You're the only person I've told. You?"
"Same. Do you think you're going to tell them soon?"
"I don't know. Right now I want to wait I think."
"Me too. But when I do tell them will you be there?"
"Of course. And you'll be there for me?"
"Love you Scoot!"
"Love you too Mixmatch. Now let's go we only have three minutes to wash up before dinner!"

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