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A/n: I haven't updated in two days! I'm sorry!

-Love lots, AV

"Hey Scott, hey Mitch! Hope you guys don't mind. My last class got out early so I went ahead and got your supplies."
"We don't mind at all. Thank you Alex!"

Scott smiled as Mitch looked at his best friend in awe. He couldn't believe that Scott was actually talking to this boy and wasn't a stuttering mess.

"I think we're painting something nature inspired. Mrs. Decker was talking to me about it earlier."
"Do you know what you're going to do yet?"
"No. I usually just start painting and it goes where it wants."
"That's cool. You're really good!"
"Oohhh... I'm not that good."
"Uhhh... yea you are. You're incredible... like Beyoncé but with paint!"
"No... Beyoncé is Queen. I'm just some guy that puts colors on paper."

The teacher called class to order a few moments later. And began explaining the topic which Alex had been correct about. As soon as she was done, Alex picked up a brush, dipped it in green paint, and began creating shapes on the paper. Scott watched completely mesmerized by the boy beside him. One Mitch noticed that his friend hadn't put anything on his canvas he nudged Scott's shoulder.

"You have to paint something Scotty."
"Huh? Ohh! I know. I just suck at this."
"You have to at least try."
"I will. But look at Alex's... it's breathtaking."
"I see. But do your work too."

Scott picked up a brush and tried to copy Alex's sure strokes but his ended up as green blobs. Maybe I can pass it off as moss, he thought.

All too soon class was over and Alex gathered all of their brushes to wash out.

"Such a gentleman," Mitch commented as Alex made his way back over to their stations.
"Ummm, would you two like to get coffee or something?"
"Scott? What do you think?"

Mitch wanted to make sure that his friend was comfortable with accepting the invitation before agreeing to anything. Scott stuttered a bit, taken aback by the offer, before he choked out a yes. The pair called Nel to let her know they would be home late. They confidently left out he let where they were going with the new kid to get Starbucks.

Once they all ordered and was seated, Alex dove into conversation explaining how amazing LA was. Scott really didn't understand why he would leave if he loved it so much. When he voiced this Alex explained how his father had rejected him being gay, it was one of the final straws for his mother and the divorce. However, this detail made Scott's heart soar.

Alex was gay.

He was gay.

Scott was gay.

They could be gay together.

That is if Alex wanted to be.

Scott decided to keep this information to himself until he was back at home with Mitch. He needed to talk to his best friend so he could explain to him if Alex liked him back.

All too soon it was time for the pair to get home. Dinner would be ready soon and both knew what would happen if they were late. Scott wasn't ready for Alex to see that side of him just yet.

He wasn't planning on hiding it, he just wanted to have a chance to explain. If he had a meltdown before he got that chance, he could lose Alex before he even had him.

After dinner and homework Scott and Mitch were cuddled up together in bed. Scott voiced his concerns about whether Alex was into him or not.

"Scotty... he likes you! I promise! I can tell. I knew it from the moment we saw him in the mall. Not to mention he got your art stuff out today."
"He did that for you too."
"So he doesn't seem obvious! I know you can't help it but you're oblivious."
"Mitchie! I need help! I think I like this boy."
"I will help you. I swear. Right now just go to sleep. I'll come up with a plan and we'll work it out tomorrow."
"Okay... night Martha. I love you!"
"I love you too! Night Stephanie."

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