Chapter 4 Another Love Story

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Wednesday breezed by and now its Thursday. I'm going over Niall's house today for the project and my heart is racing. I get to school but Zayn stops me. What does he want? "You're going to the party tomorrow right?" "Yeah..." "Good because Niall really wants you there." I blush and Zayn vanishes from sight. Niall Horan wants me to go to his party?! Just a week ago we didn't even know each other! I go over to the usual spot and I don't see Cassie or Olivia. That's odd. I pull out my phone and text them.

Me: Where the hell are you!?

Olivia: I'm sick. Not going to school

Cassie: I'm at home with my baby brother who is sick.

Great. I'm going to be a loner today. I shut my phone off and Harry pops out of nowhere. "Oh my god Harry you scared me!" I gasp. "That was my intention." He laughs as we walk down the hall together. "Where are your friends?" He asks. "At home. Probably ditching me." Niall and Jessica come into view and harry says, "Slut alert." We laugh. Zayn, Louis, and Liam walk right behind them. Zayn smiles at me. Did Niall tell them about me? Hopefully not, they all creep me out. Zayn has piercings and tattoos all over his body. Liam is a manwhore, and Louis is a sassy bitch. "(y/n), Spanish is this way." Harry says leading me into the classroom. "Oops."

Look at his beautiful body, His blonde hair, the way he scratches his head when he doesn't know an answer, "(y/n). Hello? do you know the answer to this question?" The teachers asks interrupting my thoughs. I shake my head and take a wild guess. "Wrong. Pay attention next time." Mr. Jones says annoyed. "Yeah Miss Holland, pay attention." Niall imitates. I flick his head with my pencil, "Shut up." "Someone's a tad sassy." He growls. "I'm going to kill you." I retort. "You may try, but you may not succeed."

When lunch rolls around Harry and I sit alone at our table until Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall come over here. "Is this seat taken?" Niall asks. "Don't ask just sit." Louis grins. Niall still stands waiting for a response. "Sit." I say. "Why aren't you guys sitting over there." I gesture toward their regular seats. "You guys looked lonely." Liam says. "Yeah can't a few guys be nice for once?" Zayn smiles acting as if he's the nicest kid in school. "Whatever." I respond. They talk about sports for awhile until Niall notices I'm not speaking. "Sooo you're coming over after school right?" He awkwardly tries to start a conversation. "Yeah. You're driving me there remember?" I slowly speak. "Right." Then of course Jessica has to ruin it and come over to where we are sitting. "Baby, why are you sitting with this freak?" She snorts. She sounds like the kardashians when she talks. Its annoying. "Um I think I can sit wherever is want hun." I cringe when he says 'hun'. Jessica stamps her feet and struts away. "Standing up to the lady." Liam says. "For the first time." Louis adds. When lunch is over everyone leaves including Harry but Niall walks with me. "Just come straight to my car, I don't care who sees us." He smiles revealing his dimples. I nod. "Sounds good."

After a few more periods the school day ends and I'm so excited to go over Niall's place. He waves me down. "Hey (y/n) let's go!" He yells in front of everyone. I catch up to him and walk along his side. "No goodbye to Jessica?" I joke. He looks at me and laughs. "After what happened at lunch she got so pissed at me in History class. She was saying all this nonsense so I just walked out of the room and waited for the bell to ring." We got to his car. It was a black Lamborghini. "Careful, this baby's new." He smiles as I get into the passenger seat. "So, what time should I have you home darling?" He asks. "Around 5:30 father." We joke. We pull into a long narrow driveway that has 3 expensive shiny cars. His house is like 3x the size of mine! He leads me through the front door and his dad welcomes me. "Oh Niall is this the lady you have been talking about, she is divine!" "Oh well thank you I'm, (y/n)." I shake his hand. "I'm Mr.Horan but call me Charlie." After talking we head upstairs to his room. His room is a master bedroom. It has a king sized bed, a flat screen TV, Xbox, just basically the perfect room for a guy. "Sorry its kinda messy." He picks some stuff up and moves it out of the way. We sit on his bed and do some research. "We are basically finished with the project except for like one or two slides on the PowerPoint which we can finish today." We discuss. We laugh and tell jokes and I feel so comfortable around him I could tell him anything. "Hey is your dad okay with the party?" I ask. "Yeah he just wants it all cleaned up by me." He laughs. "Your dad is so awesome." "Yeah but before my mom died he was really strict, he is laid back now." I totally forgot his mom died. Two years ago it was in the newspaper. "Yeah my father died from cancer when I was 10. My mom has been the best parent ever since." I tell him. We sit in silence almost like praying for our deceased parents. Niall's phone breaks the silence. He excuses himself. "Zayn I'm busy right now I can't talk about your stupid new tattoo.....Yes.....No I'll talk to you later." And he hangs up. "Sorry about that." "No worries was that Zayn?" "Yeah." I look at the clock. "I should get going, gotta prepare for the party tomorrow." I laugh. "Aww but I was just going to ask you to play video games with me!" He complains. "I promise another time Niall, but I gotta go home." I say goodbye to his father and he welcomes me back anytime. "Hey Ni, I like this girl more than Jess." I hear Charlie whisper to Niall. Its a short drive and when he pulls up to my place he says, "Until next time?" "Until next time."

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