Chapter 8 Another Love Story

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I feel sick to my stomach and its Monday. That means today is the day that everyone is going to find out about Niall and me, and I'm nervous. Cassie, Olivia, and Harry already know that I'm dating Niall. They are really happy for me and they all want to get together with them sometime. I'm pretty sure Niall's friends know its just I don't know what they think of me. I walk into school with Cassie and Olivia by my side. "Lets go and say hi to them!" I say looking over at Niall and his crew. "Do they like us?" Olivia questions. I shrug, "Who cares." Niall greets me with a kiss and some people awee. Liam stares me down. We aren't really on the same page after what happened at Niall's party. "Morning." I smile. Niall holds my hand like he wants people to see us. "Hi beautiful." He says grinning from ear to ear. Cassie starts to flirt with Liam and Olivia is standing still. "Oh right. Well this is Cassie and Olivia, and this is Zayn, Liam, and Louis." They smile at each other and Liam goes, "I like what I see," as he stares at Cassie. "Treat her well. She's one of a kind." I say. Liam glares at me. Harry looks at Olivia. "What styles, you like the shy ones?" Louis snorts. "Matter fact I do." Harry snaps back. Louis is blown away by the sass in Harry's voice. "You shut him up." Zayn laughs. The bell rings and we wall say by to each other. Louis walks off with Zayn. Liam walks off with Cassie. Harry walks off with Olivia, and I walk off with Niall. "Yeah we get along pretty well together."

Who knew that people would notice Niall and I walk into Spanish together. The annoying girls in the corner whisper about us and everyone else stares. "You guys are an item?" Someone says. I look up at Niall and he nods. "Yes, we actually are." I declare. Everyone just goes back to talking. We sit down and Niall faces me. "Trust me, we aren't that important." Niall laughs. "Good." Harry walks in and he whispers to me. "Text me later we need to talk." "What why?" "Its important." Huh that was weird. I wonder what's going with Harry. The class starts. "With April vacation around the corner we are going to have a very big test on Friday! It is going to sum up everything we have been doing this year! It does have a big impact on your grade so study hard!" The teacher reviews a lot of stuff and all I can think about is what Harry has to tell me. But I have to focus on Spanish so I don't fail this class. I already have a 92% average in this class. I know Harry has a 97% average, and Niall has an 80% average. I look at Niall and his attention is all focused on the lesson. Then the fire alarm goes off. "Okay everybody I know this is a drill but please keep your voices to a very soft whisper!" The teacher says. Nobody listens to her and we all just pile out the door. I grab a hold of Nialls hand. Harry walks right next to us. "Damn I really wanted to stay in Spanish!" Niall groans. I look at him all surprised. "You are crazy Horan! Fire drills are a nice chance to get out of Spanish!" I argue with him. We keep on walking. I see Liam and Zayn. Harry calls them over and Liam rolls his eyes and keeps walking. Zayn doesn't hear us. "What's up Liam's ass?" Niall says. "I think he's mad at me." I admit not wanting to tell Niall about the party. "What why?" Then I come clean. "At the party when I was looking for you Liam was completely drunk and he came over to me and starting touching me and trying to suck my neck, so I yelled at him and pushed him to the ground." Niall gasps and anger builds up inside of him. "He's a fucking dead man! Nobdy touches you!" He yells. I hold him back so he doesn't tackle Liam to the ground. About a couple people look at us. "Niall stop! I protected myself and it was in the past. Please don't worry about it." He huffs and stops in his tracks. "I swear I can pound that dudes face in." "Niall please stop." He clenches his jaw. The teachers say we can go back inside so we do. 2nd period has already started so we quickly get our stuff and walk out. "I'm sorry I was being a jerk I just want to protect you." He says. "I know Niall. I know."

I walk into the lunch room and Niall comes up to me. "Have your friends sit with us, we have enough seats." He smiles. I walk toward his table and I see Jessica's table right near his. Jessica looks at me and I glare back. "Filthy skank, why is Niall even dating you?" Jessica snorts. Niall hears and he's about to say something but I push him back. "He's dating me because I'm not a filthy skank, or slut that cheats on him unlike you." I whisper right into her ear. Jessica's eyes open wide. "Well-." "Well what honey?" I cut her off. She turns back around. Niall leads me to the table. "What was that all about?" The guys ask me when I sit down. "Jessica needs someone to just tell her off." I say and eat my sand which. Olivia and Cassie sit next to me. "I was going to say something." Niall says. "Yeah I know, I just needed to shut her up." We talk and eat. "Will you come and watch the soccer game tomorrow?" Niall asks us girls. "Yeah, I've always wanted to see you guys play." I tell them. "Our team is kickass." Zayn smiles. "He's right we haven't lost one game." Harry butts in. I look over at Liam who isn't talking and then I look at Louis. His eyes are red and it looks like he's crying. "What's wrong Louis?" I ask across the table. He looks over at me and begins to cry again. "Tessa broke up with him because he's "not good enough." Zayn quotes. "I loved her." Louis whimpers. "Oh please Lou, all you guys did was makeout." Zayn chuckles. "Its true, you can't love a girl only by the way she kisses." Niall asserts. "Well I did." Louis sobs leaning onto Harry. I look over at Harry and he tries to fake smile. "Don't worry Lou, it will get better." Harry pata his back while Louis cries his heart out over a girl. "Anyways. What are you doing after school?" Cassie asks all of us. "We have practice." Liam chimes in. Wow that's the first he's talked at lunch. "Probably stay home I don't know why?" I question. "I don't know just wondering." Cassie says. "You guys should stop at DQ tonight. I'm working there." Olivia says. "Yeah we should." Cassie says and looks over at me. "I'm down with that." Cassie says. "Ah you girls." Niall chuckles. I take a sip of my water. and smile at Niall.

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