Chapter Eighteen: Close Supervision

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 Frost gaped at Sage, as did everyone else. Xavier and Bryce on the other hand, gave nods of approval. Clover grinned, while Carter gritted his teeth. Finally, despite his surprise, the blue-haired boy spoke up.

 "I'm going to what?" Frost asked incredulously.

 "Sage, have you thought this through?" Carter questioned right after. 

 The girl remained expressionless. "The decision is final and non-negotiable. I already sought permission from the other Irises." She glanced down at Frost for the first time since beginning her speech. "You need to be trained to survive on your own, and I'm going to help you with that."

 "I don't get any say in this whatsoever? And what about Mana? What should I-"

 "Stop talking and come with me. We aren't discussing this here," Sage interrupted in exasperation. She turned back to the audience. "I'm going to have to ask you all to withstand this change. A Pokémon is in our midst and, as my father said, it's more important than ever that we fulfill the mission Tanna was founded for. Now, if you'll excuse us."

 With that, the executive turned on her heel and made for the exit. Frost scrambled out of his seat with Mana on his shoulder and followed angrily. His frustration blinded him to the continued stares of the crowd, but at that point he didn't care.

 Sage walked down the hallway at a brisk pace, forcing the Silverkeep native to run to catch up. They turned a corner, and as soon as they did Frost grabbed her arm and spun her around so they were face to face.

 "Want to explain what that was back there?" He demanded, agitation gripping at his tone.

 "What is there to explain, Frost? I meant every word I said, and you will be trained under me," Sage retorted.

 "But what's the point? I didn't come here to become some kind of soldier, I came to keep Mana safe and get information. You can't just go and say things like that in front of an entire organization of strangers without my input! I wouldn't have decided to trust you in the first place if I knew you'd pull something like that."

 Sage narrowed her eyes. It wasn't hard to tell how irritated the conversation was making her. She poked his chest accusingly.

 "You want to know what the point is, or why I decided to declare you a member of the Tanna Society? I did that to help both of you. What happens if you ever have to leave the safety we're offering? How could you possibly defend yourself, let alone a Pokémon? If Mana means as much to you as I sense she does, then it would be wise to take the proper measures to ensure her well-being." She lowered her hand before he could slap it away. "It may not seem like it now, but I'm seriously helping you out."

 Frost gnashed his teeth irately. Mana looked back and forth between the two in concern. Sage momentarily broke her vexed state in order to send the creature a reassuring smile, but her indignation returned once laying eyes on the male opposite her again. His frown deepened.

 I know that I have to get stronger to protect Mana, but how is any of this going to make a difference? What have I gotten ourselves into?

 "You said that Mana will be kept under your protection and observation. Are those freaks in there going to try and experiment on her or something?" Frost questioned abruptly.

 Mana blinked. "Phy? Mana?"

 "Definitely not. They might look at her and study her physical appearance, but a living Pokémon is much too valuable in the eyes of a scientist to change in any way. My dad and the Wisterias just want to learn about the government through your experiences with her," was the reply.

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