Chapter Thirty-Five: Forgone

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 Frost and Sage divided up the food and supplies between their backpacks, changed into their new clothes, and left Beachden within the hour. It didn't take long for them to pinpoint the direction Woodlake was in once using the ocean as a landmark but, when they did, Sage was off like a bullet.

 "I know you're in a rush to get there but can you slow down? We're dying back here," Frost grumbled, eyeing the Iris as she walked farther and farther ahead of him and Mana. 

 The late afternoon sun shone down on them relentlessly. The boy's garments stuck to his skin uncomfortably, and he had long since stopped trying to rid his hairline of sweat. Mana's previous energy had seemingly disappeared, leaving her a deflated blue blob on his shoulder. The water in their canteens wasn't even enjoyable to drink since it had risen to such a high temperature.

 Frost didn't have to see Sage's face to know that she had rolled her eyes.

 "You're such a lightweight. This heat isn't even that bad," she replied.

 "Not all of us come from coastal cities, you know. I lived at the base of a freaking mountain."

 "You're telling me that Silverkeep City never got this hot?"

 The boy rubbed his temple in exasperation. "No, it didn't; it was mild at most. The summers were alright, but the winters were freezing. Silverkeep is nothing like Niska though. That place is always cold."

 Sage suddenly came to a halt and looked back at him. Her expression was one of genuine surprise, causing Frost to give her a questioning glance as he caught up to her. She cocked her head to the side.

 "Wait, you've been to Niska?" The Valcoast native inquired.

 The seventeen-year-old blinked. "Yeah. My dad worked for the government he got invited to a bunch of formal events in the capitol and I got dragged along. Why do you ask?"

 "I don't know, I just never thought about it before." Sage fell into step beside him. "My family never really went anywhere since we had to stay close to the Tanna Society, that's why I always went off on my own. Where else have you been?"

 That made Frost pause to think. The amount of times he and his parents had traveled for work reasons was almost too many to count. He shrugged.

 "I've been to most of Inridia's big cities, but that was mostly when I was little. As my dad got promoted and rose up in the ranks, he was only required to go to Niska. We went two or three times a year, or whenever he was invited. I never liked the events -- they were just a bunch of rich people gathering to talk about how privileged they were."

 Sage nodded in understanding, and the pair fell silent. The terrain was slowly changing from dry and rocky to lush and green. Frost gave a silent sigh of relief as the tree branches and leaves overhead were finally dense and plentiful enough to form a canopy that blocked out the sun's rays. Mana perked up at the new coolness and cooed happily. Her companion handed her the warm canteen so she could drink.

 All the while, he could feel Sage's gaze on him. It was only a sideways glance, but it was enough to make him uncomfortable and somewhat self-conscious. He tried his best to keep his eyes set firmly on the path ahead, but every time they tried to stray towards her. Finally and almost against his will, he made eye contact.

 "What is it?" Frost asked. 

 The Iris bit her lip as if searching for words. She looked down at her feet.

 "I just have a question that I've been wondering about for awhile," the greenette responded.

 "Alright, then shoot."

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