if it means a lot to you // hemmo

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"now you see, losing her was never apart of my plan. well, neither was meeting her, but at the end of the day, i really fucking miss her."

"luke, you shouldn't think negatively. we're on our fifth tour this should be full of happiness and joy." oh gosh, they'd never, ever understand what the hell she put me through. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was my fault.

"this tour is the whole reason why it's difficult for me to be happy! she left me because of it. and now, i know i'll never be happy again."


wow so this kinda sucked but i'm actually really excited for this one bc i have sOOoOOoOoO many ideas

but i swear this'll be a rollercoaster ha ha HAH but no seriously you'll prob cry maybe

and clearly this is supposed to be based off the song if it means a lot to you by a day to remember

and dedicated to mari bc she gives me most of my inspo ok bye

okay well enjoy !! feedback maybe bc idk if i should continue ?? ok BYE ((des))

if it means a lot to you // hemmoWhere stories live. Discover now