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"and, hey darling i hope you're good tonight, and i know you don't feel right when i'm leaving"

meeting her was unexpected. falling in love with her? not even a thought in my mind. if you were to see her now you'd realize she wasn't like most girls. not like most people actually. she was great, don't get me wrong. ariana oliver kinley. doesn't it sound absolutely amazing? that's what i thought when i first got her name. she was a tall blonde, but see she wasn't your typical fangirl. i guess, she wore a nirvana shirt (like me), and had gauges. not the small ones either. she was perfect in my eyes, anyways. i remember when we first met i was so shy. weird, huh? it took me a long while to get used to being around her. like - i wanted to be close with her for a long time. she just had this affect on me. it was a good one though.

guys don't normally get butterflies but did she ever give me so many. it was such a sweet feeling. but she got mixed in with all the wrong people. the wrong guys. now i'm not one to be jealous. i'm really not. but, one guy she was completely hooked on. joe, jack, or something like that. he toyed with her feelings and tossed her to the side. he did that to my little sister, too. funny huh? i met her because she was friends with my little sister's bestfriend, but at the time i didn't know she was also friends with my sister.

jeesh, that's confusing. long story short? boy meets girl. boy is shy. boy starts to like girl. girl ignores boy for another douche. boy falls in love. boy gets hurt. story of my life. and yet, the lads tell me how i could get any girl in the whole world if i wanted. which was true - not to sound cocky, but hey i'm luke hemmings. okay that sounds so conceited, scratch that. but she was the one. when i say the one, i mean it. she made me feel something i'd never ever felt before. like the nice feeling of laying at the beach in nothing but your swim trunks. that kind of nice - with the sun beating down on you. see? i was one to pay attention to the little details. like how she blinked three times when she said i love you.

how whenever we kissed, she'd place one hand on my shoulder and the other one on my back. oh gosh, was she adorable. she just yanno, got me. like nobody else has before. it was the greatest feeling in the whole entire world. it was amazing. 

 she was amazing. she really was. but then she came and broke my heart in two. now we don't even fucking talk. she makes me sick. she does it on purpose, too. i promise you that one. it really fucking sucks. maybe that's why i'm so depressed now, i try to let it pass me by. i truly do - but it rarely works. wish me luck.

okay i had the majority of this done before i went on a small break so i hope you enjoy this and just lemme know what ya think babies!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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