It's Over, Malfoy Part 4

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It was already the next day. I was still annoyed at Draco, although who wouldn't be.

I started ignoring him in every way possible, which was hard because he's my boyfriend. He always picked me up and brought me to school. The ride there was so quiet and tense, but I hoped to ignore it. While on the way, I listened to music ; while looking out the window and leaning my head on the glass.

"-Okay?" I heard someone say. I lowered the volume and hummed in question. Draco repeated, "are you okay?  You look really sad". I just hummed and sat quietly. He sighed heavily and turned his eyes back on the road.

Soon enough, we reached school, and I bolted out of the car before he could say anything. I quickly walked to school, ignoring Draco's calls, and quickened my pace; making me look I was running.

I went towards my locker and stuffed my bag in. After I took out my books, I felt someone spin me around, and caging me in his arms. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at a familiar tuft of platinum blonde hair and silver grey eyes that looked stormy. I gulped and took in a deep breath. "I'll ask again, are you okay?" he said. His eyes looked really concerned, and I felt a surge of anger go through me. I pushed him off of me and glared at him " You cheated on me! You can't expect to me daisies and sunshine after all of that! I'm not just some rug you can use over and over again".

"You usually do, though" he mumbled. I felt even more anger go through me and I just walked away from him, quickening my pace so he wouldn't bother me with his stupid accusations.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

A few hours later

I went out of class, successfully running out of Mr.Snape's clutches (A/N it feels so weird to call him Mr instead of Professor). I tried avoiding him all day, but he just kept popping up. He would always try cornering me, but thankfully, Ron would always get me out of it.  This is what I mean by 'friends always have my back, because they literally do'. 

"HARRY!" I heard a familiar voice say. I paled and ran as fast as I could. 

"WAIT! HARRY! STOP!" he shouted. I quickened my pace and ran to my secret haven, hoping he wouldn't see me go there.

*after an hour*

I've been sobbing for an hour straight now. I wiped my tears harshly and started thinking, Why am I the one crying?! I shouldn't be! He's the bastard that cheated on me! He should be the one feeling even more guilty!

I stood up and clenched my fists. I walked out of the haven, feeling empowered and strong. I gave Draco the meanest glare I could muster. He looked quite shocked and I felt smug. I walked away, feeling incredibly smug and smirked the entire way to the cafeteria. I burst through the doors and went to the usual table with my friends already sitting there.  I rushed towards there and  sat down, biting into my apple. 

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