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Hello! I am Ivana Viktoria Krum.
Yes you heard it right! A Krum!
I am the younger sister of the famous Bulgarian seeker Viktor Krum.
I am 14 years old and currently studying at Durmstrang. I am also the
World's youngest chaser(Bulgarian team of course).
I have blond hair and
sky blue eyes (the pic above is of Ivan a)

 I have blond hair and sky blue eyes (the pic above is of Ivan a)

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and I can speak in Bulgarian,English and French.
And the most amazing part???
I am a metamorphagus and I can control all the 5 elements of the earth.
Amazing right?
My hobbies are
Singing and playing guitar, playing quidditch and hitting the gym.



Today is the most important day of my life.........THE QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINALS.....between Bulgaria and Ireland. And I am hoping to win this game.

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