The World Cup Finals

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3rd person p.o.v

Both the teams were on the ground with their mascots. The Bulgarian mascot being veelas and the Irish mascot being leprechauns. The stadium was flooded with people. The feelings of enthusiasm, joy, pride, happiness, and eagerness were evident through the loud cheerings by the fans for their respective teams.
But there was someone who caught the most attention on the sitting area........and guess what? They were...............

" Fred and George Weasley!!!!! Behave yourselves or I swear I'll tell your mother about this"shouted Arthur Weasley at the twins who were trying to sneak a dung bomb under the seat of the Bulgarian minister of magic.
" no not mom"said Fred " she'll keep us grounded"completed George." we won't do it again. Right George. "
" right Fred."
" better"said Arthur. He then cont. to watch the game. The twins then went over to their brother Ron and his friend Harry Potter. Fred waved his hand in front of ron
" hey!you in there? You know drooling over a guy is very unfortunate if you have a goddess right infront of your eyes. "
" look over there.. Ivana looks so bloody gorgeous" exclaimed George.
"Yeah she's amazing" came the mesmerised voice of harry.
Draco's p.o.v

Why is Ivana krum so familiar? Why do I think that I know her? I think it's the butterbeer.........
Draco was brought back to the reality when he heard the voice of his mother.
" Is something wrong Draco? You seem to be lost."
" it's nothing! I'm fine."


Maybe I'll think about this later.

(Time skip to the end of the game)

And............. Viktor krum has caught the snitch.....BUT.... It's
IRELAND for the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Don't worry fellas I'll write more... When I get the time....The bloody papers are going on!!! Wish me luck.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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