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I don't remember how long I've known 'her'. Maybe only a few years. She helped me survive a world I wasn't sure how to live in anymore. I wonder how she's been, maybe she's happy now wherever she is.
I don't know if I'm happy though, losing a life long friend isn't easy, I knew that. But she was special, out of the ordinary. What I am now is a lonely writer, fearing of replacing a female with the one person I think of in my mind as nostalgia hits me with a somber feeling of joy and sorrow, and yet, I knew she isn't coming back wherever she had left to. Souta is my name, I came from a rich family that died from the fire a few years ago and I was the only one that lived there, the remains of the house still stand in that same spot to this very day. I wouldn't have been here though, writing this, without my only friend. I wish she was here right now.

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