Mirrors and Pasta

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Hey guys, FanLore here! :D I have decided I'm not going to have much of a specific plot, and I'm just going to do this story as long as I can. Thanks for reading! It's kinda a weird chapter and its not that creative, but I thought it was cute so I left it in. ;*



I woke up only to find my hand bleeding through the bandages. Probably from yesterday morning after I shattered the mirror. I really didn't expect that, and I know it wasn't a dream because Ryan has bruises all over too.

"Uhhh..." Ryan awoke with a groan.

He lightly shoved me and I toppled onto my side.

Cry opened his eyes facing me, and slowly smiled.

"Mornin'" He said in his deeper 'morning voice.' He is really cute when he's sleepy.

"What do you want to do today, Ryan?" I asked him, and we both sat up. He had several cuts and bruises everywhere, including red bands around his wrist from when Mad attacked us... poor guy...

"I dunno, bro. I've gotta brush my teeth though. Morning breath isn't attractive." We both laughed and he got out of bed to walk into the bathroom.

After a minute I heard him scream.

"Ryan?!" I ran into the bathroom to see what was wrong.

Ryan was frozen in his tracks, and I saw why.

Mad was sitting on the counter, fiddling with that stupid knife.

I pushed Ryan out of the way and grabbed Mad's collar.

"What are you doing? Leave him alone!" I yelled, rage filling my voice.

Mad giggled. I noticed the mirror was repaired, when I haven't replaced it. Great, this guy has 'powers' too?

"Don't worry, I was just having fun yesterday. I haven't had a real fight in a while. Just a scare, I wouldn't hurt Cry... Too much."

"What do you mean?! You nearly killed him!" I swung him off the counter, and shoved him against the wall as he dropped the knife. He tilted his head and grinned as he slightly lifted his mask, then handed it to Cry.

"Hold this, shorty."

"Why does everyone call me that... Plus we're the exact same height!" Cry mumbled.

I grabbed his shirt harder, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the counter.

"Crap..." I sighed, looking behind me at his face. "We aren't gonna win here, are we?"

"Nope!" Mads eyes sparkled with pure joy, as if he got satisfaction from destruction.

"What do you want from us?!" Cry yelled, throwing down the mask on the beige tiles.

"Well, my friend, I am part of you. I can't exactly leave, you see. Trust me, if I could, I would." He looked irritated. "Hey, watch this!"

Mad disappeared, the atmosphere slightly rippling like air around a campfire.

"STOP!" Cry yelled, falling to his knees and running his hands through his hair. "GET OUT!"

I kneeled down next to him. What's going on?


As Mad vanished, I quickly grew a headache.

"Hello." I heard in my head, as if I was thinking this.

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