It's Time

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I dedicate this to Mascara check her out if you already haven't she's awesome

its been 2 weeks since I started online schooling and I'm almost finished with this year and me and my mother talked to the teachers and they said that I can do next year after I'm finished with this year and keep doing that until I graduate

I won't have to worry about going to school and taking care of the baby but Landon will still be in school he saved $400 for the baby after we find out what the baby is were going shopping for paint to paint the nursery

.Today I find out what I am having a girl or a boy Landon is coming at 10:00 because my appointment is at 10:15 and I only live 10 minutes from the doctors office and its 9:30 OH MY GOSH I NEED TO GET READY!!!!! I jumped up got in the shower washed and jumped out and dried my hair a little but left it damp and braided it and ran to my closet and grabbed jean and a red shirt that said mom to be in cursive on it Landon bought it for me at Babies R Us Then I ran back into the bathroom and did my make up like I  always did and grabbed my bag and ran down the steps and waited for like 10 seconds and heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Landon

  I opened it and his eyes widened and he said you stomach is so BIG I looked at him and said really that might be because I have a baby inside me we drove for 10 minutes and pulled in at the doctors and signed in and about 5 minutes later they called me in and lead me to a room and told me to lay there still and doctor Ali put gel on my belly and searched for the heart beat and about 2 minutes later she found it and said they look great I turned my head to her and said you mean it she shook her head and said your having twins I looked at Landon and he smiled and said what are they? Doctor Ali looked at the screen and said ones a boy and ones a girl me and Landon looked at each other and smiled she printed a picture for us and we left

On the ride home he said what names do you want? How about I name the girl and you name the boy he smiled really big and nodded his head we listened to music the rest of the way to my house when we got there I said bye an ran inside and wrote a note to my mother

Dear Mom,                                                                                                                                      

       I wish you could have been at my appointment today it was awesome I know your off tomarrow so I would like to have dinner with you, me, Landon, And His Parents so I could tell you all at once what I'm having ~Love Always Peyton

I left I on the counter and went to my room got in bed and fell asleep

16 and pregnantHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin