ch 2

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I woke up to Harper falling off of the couch.

Harper - ouch
Me - you good
Harper - yeah
Me - come on we have to get dressed
Harper - ok but I'm wearing your clothes today
Me - you mean the clothes you put in my closet for you
Harper - exactly

I took a shower in my bathroom and she showered in the hall bathroom.

We got dressed and grabbed our bags before leaving for school

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We got dressed and grabbed our bags before leaving for school. She dropped me off and went to her school.

The morning was the same as every other day. Being called a slut and being tripped. Everything was born till lunch.

Everyone was told to eat inside today and so I was at my table in the far corner of the cafeteria.

Stiles - well princess do I have a yes
Me - I'm not a princess, and no you don't have a yes
Stiles - come on I can make you popular
Me - I'll pass
Stiles - everyone wants to be popular
Me - not me
Derek - come on, just let us have the party at your house
Me - you guys have money to blow, rent an old one you can trash and no one will care
Stiles - because, yours is nice and has a pool, along with a hot tub
Me - so what, it's still a no

I looked forward and everyone was staring at us silently. Is it really that big of a deal of him talking to me.

Me - your making everyone stare, go away
Stiles - just for that, I'm going to sit here the whole period
Me - great

I said rolling my eyes. I put my book in my bag and got up.

Me - you can have the seat, I'm gone

I said exiting the cafe with everyone whispering. I went to my next class and Stiles sat in front next to me.

Me - oh my god go away, bugging me isn't going to make me say yes
Stiles - you'll give in eventually
Me - I'm pretty stubborn, good luck

I never realized that he was in all of my classes. After school I had to walk and Stiles decided to have Derek drive his car to his house and walk with me.

Me - why are you following me
Stiles - so you say yes
Me - well it's a no, so go away
Stiles - please, you can invite your friends and everything
Me - yeah the all of one friend and my cousin
Stiles - you have more than two friends
Me - no I don't, have you realized I don't talk to anyone in our school? Have you realized that everyone was staring at us all day because they think I'm a new kid, well other than Jessica and her slits
Stiles - oh come on, just say yes and you can make friends
Me - no and that's final

I said running to my house. He tried to run to me but I am faster than him. I got inside and locked the door.

Me - he's hot but annoying as fuck

I said hanging my bag on the rack and going to the kitchen for a slice of pizza. I sat on the couch and there was a knock on the door.

Me - ugh

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