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I woke up and took a shower. I remembered yesterday and got dressed.

No one was awake yet so I went down stairs and Stiles was on my couch asleep

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No one was awake yet so I went down stairs and Stiles was on my couch asleep.

Me - why

I said going to the kitchen and getting a banana. I was sitting there eating my banana when Stiles woke up.

Stiles - ava?

Me - that's me

Stiles - I'm sorry about yesterday

Me - it's ok

Stiles - really

Me - yeah, like Harper said I can't blame you for not knowing what happened

Stiles - can you tell me what happened though, like how she died

Me - you can't tell anyone

Stiles - I promise I won't

Me - she was in the car with me dad, we were twins, identical twins, anyway they were driving and a drunk drive crashed into the back of the car and killed her and the drunk driver

I said wiping a tear from my face.

Me - so my mom changed my middle name in memory of her, it happened back while I was five, January 27th

Stiles - hey my dad died on .. that.. day

He looked a little confused and then really sorry. I just looked down.

Stiles - my dad was the drunk driver, wasn't he

Me - yeah, Mr. Stalinski

Stiles - I'm so sorry, I was never told how he actually died, I didn't know he killed her

Me - it's ok, really

I said hugging him. Ella and Harper came down and saw us.

Ella - awe

Then there was a click. We pulled apart and I was blushing.

Stiles - I should get going, bye guys

Ella - bye lover boy

Harper - peace

Me - bye Stiles

He left and they looked at me shocked.

Me - I may have told him

Harper - are you ok

Me - he was never told how his dad died, he just knew it was him because of the date

Ella - wow

Me - yeah, anyway who want to go to the mall, I don't have a costume yet

Harper - me either

Ella - I wanna go shopping, my town had nothing good

We went to the mall and started looking around.

Ella - no offence but ava you need a make over

Harper - ELLA!

Me - it's ok Harper, I was actually thinking of that though, getting a make over, but only clothes, maybe get my ears pierced or something

Ella - I'm in, while new wardrobe here we go

Me - oh great

We went all around the mall going to stores then leaving to go back to a store . We went to almost every store I'm the mall getting clothes.

Me - good thing we took the truck and nothing is in the back haha

Ella - alright let's go put these in the truck and find costumes

We walked out and put everything in the trunk of the truck and closed the top so no one could steal anything.

Me - costume time

We went to a few stores and one Harper got a costume.

Me - kinda just want to find one and make it

Ella - wanna make me one

Me - sure

We went back home and had to carry everything up to my room.

Me - what do I do with all of my clothes then, wait, you guys fold them and I'll put them away in my dresser

They folded the clothes and I put them away neatly. Then we hung up all the new cloths taking tags off as well.

Ella - try an outfit on

Me - ok

I said going to the bathroom and changing.

I said going to the bathroom and changing

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I came out and they looked so happy.

Me - well

Ella - sexy

Harper - you actually look like a girl

Me - thanks?

We laughed and decided to look for a costume online.

Ella - I want to be this doll looking thing

Me - I'm going to be Harley Quinn

Harper - sexy or red and black

Me - sexy

Harper - yay

Me - to Wal-Mart

We got in the truck and drive to the store. We got all the fabric we would need, thread in certain colors, holding pins, and needles. We had to get a measuring thing because I don't know Ella's sizes.

W went back home and I took all of her measurements. I was finished with her costume by night time.

Me  - all done

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Me - all done

Ella - it's amazing, and I have the perfect pumps for this

Me - and I'll do mine tomorrow, someone order pizza

Ella - I got it

We got pizza and watched movies till we fell asleep in the game room.

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