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Wrapped in the cocoons of my hard-hitting thoughts. Wormed around my being, were lithe hands. Hands weak from fighting with a blunt sword. I shuddered. Shuddered at the nightmares i had neatly caressed. All the warmth gone. Replaced with tiny flickers of long lost hopes. Glimpses of that lost haven I was coaxed to believe existed. Holding onto empty bags of maimed memories. Memories now merged with hate. Soaked in seas of doubt, pain and disbelief. So unattractively raw. Thought being open,was a virtue. Guess there was a stunt played. Played on my unsuspecting self. Through the corners of my eye, I saw the devil.Daring and drearily he smiled. I heard a whisper:U shoulda looked before leaping. I WILL GET BACK ON MY FEET I WHIMPERED.

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