Before the game

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Midori's POV

"Midori. Midori! Come on wake up!" Said a familiar voice slowly fading and filling up my ears. I grunt and ignore the voice, hoping they would go away but they didn't. Instead I felt soft yet hairy paws on my cheeks. 

"Midori. Time to wake up! Come on get out of bed!" I open my eyes to see who it was. In the process of opening my eyes I was blinded by the the natural sunlight. But for a little while. The only colors I could see was orange, red, white, and brown. As my vision return to nomal I soon realize that that someone was Ame.

I sighed in annoyance as I sat up rubbing my eyes. "Geez Ame you're even worst than than alarm clock." I yawned. "You say that to everybody who wakes you up. Now get dress Kaho is already cooking breakfast." Ame said pulling the cover off my body. The cool air brushed against my skin causing me to shiver. As I sat on the edge of the bed Ame made his way to my dresser and my closet. I watched the red panda pick out my clothes then  set them on my bed. 

"Since you're so lazy I pick out your clothes for you." I rolled my eyes and got dressed. "Shut up I wasn't being lazy. I just needed a minute." I mumbled the last part. "Whatever you say princess."

I glared at Ame. He knows that I don't like to be called princess and we both know that he loves to tease me about it. I smiled and decided to let that one pass. "Ok Ame. You know the drill." I said looking at the red panda. "Don't have to tell me twice." Ame turned around waiting for me to change into my clothes for today. 

I changed into a elbow length white sleeve black shirt and black tight jeans. "Ok. I'm done." I said as I walked towards the bathroom and Ame behinde me. I brushed my teeth and wash my face and all that other stuff. I comb my hair how I usually comb it then making my way to the kitchen. 

There Kaho was making pancakes and baccon. Her ears moved sidewards in my direction. "I see you're finally up sleepy head. I'm making buttermilk pancakes, baccon,eggs, and ham. I'm sure you're hungry." She said not looking away from the food. "You know I'm hungry that's all I ever think about." Kaho chuckled at my response. Ame and Xxeres ran around the kitchen while I wait for the food to be served. "Food's ready!" Kaho yelled. Xxeres and Ame jumped on the stool and their paws on the table. 

The three of us eyed our food while our tails wag. Kaho and I have buttermilk pancakes, baccon, eggs, and ham. Xxeres has baccon and ham. Ame has grapefruit and bamboo. So we all ate our food and do what we do every day untill something happens. Look for any challengers so we can sharpen our skills.

As time pass we already beaten 8 people in a row. You see when it comes to competion Kaho and I are unbeatable. So we form this team called Unbeaten. Not even the champion or champions could beat us at their own game. We're also known as 'The warbeast best gamers'. When someone that's a big deal and makes some kind of insane bet, Unbeaten takes the trophy home. And not to mention we're a idol to the kids here in Eastern Federation.

As we were in a middle of our game Ino and Inzuna stopped by. "Pardon the interruption.  Kaho. Midori. Come with us, we have company." Ino said with a serious tone. "Mind explaining what's going on?" Kaho asked. Ino nodded and told us everything. Damn these people are not playing around.

As we enter the buildling and got closer to the room they were in I could a female yelling at someone. "Sora are you crazy?! You do know what you're doing right? You're betting our piece that we just got AND  not only that you're also putting our lives in danger! All of us! Urgh! What if we lose." "And what if we don't lose and we claim our land back. Oh wait let me correct myself. We will win. Blank always do." Well aren't we being confendent. Kaho opened the door and everyone's eyes fell in our direction.

Out of everyone in the room one person caught my attention. "These three are your challengers. Inzuna, Kaho, and Midori. " Ino pointed at us when he said our names and turned towards us then said "The people from Elkia whom challenged you are Sora, Shiro, Stephanie, and Jibril." I waved at them but in a slit second Sora and Shiro was petting me and Kaho. Sora slowly stroke my tail with his right hand and his left hand in my hair. 

I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable so I placed my hand over his cheek and try to push him away but he didn't budge. Meanwhile Shiro was giving Kaho comands and Kaho... obeyed them. Usually she does let anyone boss her around. 

I put attention onto Sora who was uncontrollably saying 'Love me. Love me'. Then all of a sudden his hand slipped down to my ass and gently squeezing it.  

"Hands off man. Don't you know how to make a good first impression in front of a girl?  You don't know girls do you." Ame said while entering the room with Xxeres. Ame leaped onto my shoulder and pushed Sora's hands off of me. I ruffled through his red/orange fur as a thanks.

"He doesn't and that's why he has no girlfriend." Shiro exclaimed and getting a sickening look from her older brother. "Ok. First you say I have no friends now you're saying I have no girlfriend. Sis don't you think that's a bit too cruel?" "No, I don't. It's the truth and some people can't handle the truth. You, Sora are one of those people." Shiro said. Sora took a second to realize what his 11 year old sister said before sulking in a corner. 

Being the sweet person that I am I gave Sora a confendence boost. "Damn Shiro. That was a harsh insult. I like you." Kaho said with smile. 

A couple of minutes passed by and everyone talking about the game until Ino came in. "The battlefield is complete. Are you ready?" Ino said, looking at both teams. Everyone nodded and we made our to a room filled with people that I don't know. Are they from their kingdom and did they come to see the game?

"Please sit here and put these helmets on." Ino said picking a setting for the battlefield. Sora was talking to Inzuna. I have no clue what they were saying but what Sora said has gotten Inzuna in deep thought. When their conversation ended Sora looked me up and down and licked his lips.

I blushed a bright pink and my head the other way. Unfortunately Kaho saw the whole thing and chuckled to herself. "You looooove him~." She teased. "Keep telling yourself these lies." I said trying not to sound too obvious. I sighed as I replayed the scene in my mind.

The way he looked at me. The way his tounge smoothly run across his soft lips. The pace of my heart increases by the sencond. I loved it. I love him.

My mind wonders over to his lips. They look so soft. So enjoyable. I just want to kiss them. I got to have him before anyone else could. I think back where we were in the waiting room. His fingers going through my tail and my hair. I loved the way it felt. Wait what did he say. Oh that's right. Love me. So he wants me to be his girlfriend. If that what he wants then that's want he'll get.

The more I think about the more I realize that I need him.

"Hey! Get your head in the game. We can't go out there and show them what they expect us to be. We need to show them what we are and what we feel. Do you want them to have all the power that we have? Think of how many people would die because of our performance. You wouldn't want to let your own people down and end their story. So get focus we have work to do. Please and thank you." And with that Inzuna's words gave me a reason to fight. No holding back.

I nodded as I got ready for the fight a head of us. "Are both teams ready?" Ino asked. All of us gave a thumps up.

I look down at my shoes. The color changed white to a dark green, red, and black. Then it makes its way to my waist then my neck and to the top of my head. I closed my eyes hoping nothing bad happens. My body was obliterated into pecies and once again whole. I looked around saw that we're some kind of city. I walk around a corner of a building to see if Kaho and Inzuna were there.

As confused as they are it looks like they just arrived. We start to explore the city until Kaho spotted a truck full of wepons. The three of us got ourselves ready. We took a few mintues to chill and clear our minds.

I sighed to myself. This is going to be a long game.

Sorry Kaho I took so Freakin long. But you know how I am. Anyway you can get started now.

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