#18- Suffering from a disability

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I have seen on wattpad people saying on their profile things like, "I suffer from ADD" or " I suffer from autism."  And everywhere you look, people say that word to describe disabilities..  It made me think, and  I know God gave me ADD for a purpose. That was no accident.. So why are they saying I'm suffering for it? It makes me who I am, I wouldn't be quite the same without it. Sure, there are some downsides to it, such as having a hard time focusing, but without ADD I doubt I'd still be the hyperactive, completely random, curious about litewrally everything kid I am today. I read and article a while ago about how a girl was born, and the doctors found out she had Downs syndrome. One doctor apologized as if the girl died. He told the mother he was so sorry their beloved daughter had Downs Syndrome. The mother was confused as to what he meant. She didn't see it as anything wrong with Downs Syndrome.In fact, she saw quite the oppisite.We aren't cursed with our disabilities, nor do we suffer of them. Think of them as blessings from God, because he has a purpose for everything in your life, even your disabilities.


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