Chapter eleven

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---------------Logan's pov---------------
L: "What do we need to talk about?"
N: "It's about Jake..."
L: "I can't worry about Jake right now because the Why Don't We boys are coming over for lunch."
N: "Then can I stay here and we can talk after they leave."
L: "Yeah sure whatever."
After that we sat in silence. A few minutes later I heard a knock, I ran to the door and opened it.
Jo: "Sup Logan?"
Ja: "Hey Mop!"
Z: "Logan!"
Co: "What's up Logan?"
D: "Sup bro?"
They walked and Jonah and Corbyn's came in and so did Jack's sister.
-----------------Niki's pov---------------
The two boys that caught my eyes was the curled hair boy and I guess the one that looks older. I'm only 18 so I guess I was in their age range but I wouldn't know because I don't watch Logan's vlogs which makes me feel really bad...
----------------Jack's pov----------------
After the guys and I walked in I noticed a girl that had the same colored hair and eyes as Logan but never seen her before.
Ja: "Hey whose that blonde girl over there?"
L: "My sister." *rolling his eyes*
Ja: "You have a sister?"
L: "Yeah she only hangs out with me because she knows I have a bigger fan base than Jake."
Ja: "So she is kind of using you for followers?"
L: "If you wanna put it that way..."
I nod and walk away.
-----------------Niki's pov---------------
I wanted to meet someone so I went to go talk to one of the guys. I walked up to the oldest guy well I thought.
N: "Hi, I'm Niki, Logan's sister."
One of the boys: "Hi, I'm Zach."
He had such a beautiful smile.
N: "Hi Zach, how old are you?"
Z: "16 and how about you?"
He was 16 what he looks sooo much older but I like him soo...
N: "I'm 16 too."
Z: "Oh that's dope... well I'm gonna go talk to my friend over there so talk to you later."
He smiled and left.

Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now