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Yanis POV.

I felt the tears fall down my face , YES! I said as i hugged her tight . I was so happy ! She put the ring on my finger then picked me up & spun me around & kissed me . She put me down & a slow song came on & she asked me to dance . We had such a good time . I was so happy i wish the night never ended .

Donica's POV.

When she said yes I was so happy , I put the ring on her finger & spun her around giving her a kiss . I asked her to dance with me ofc she said yes . We danced for the rest of the night & went home . I asked her if she wanted to come over to my house or go home . She said she wanted to stay the night at my house . We go there & went inside & I layed down on the couch , she said she was going to take a shower i said alright . I watched her walk away & zamm I watched her ass move from side to side as she walked away licking my lips . I wanted her right now . I walked upstairs she was already in the shower . I took my clothes off & got in behind her, grabbing her waist & kissing her neck .

Yanis POV

I was in the showing just letting the water hit my face, thinking about tonight , then I felt hands on my waist & her soft lips kissing my neck . I turned around & started kissing her, rubbing my body against hers . I could tell she was turned on , she was biting her lip & rubbing all over my body . The way she touches me just makes me feel some type of way .

Donica's POV

When she turned around & rubbed her body against mine , I got hella turned on, I started biting my lip & shit . I put her against the shower wall , started kissing & sucking on her neck . I was sliding my fingers down every inch of her body until I got to her pussy . [; I started rubbing on her clit, making her moan in my ear . Her moans are so sexy . She was hella wet, I lifted her up & put her legs on my shoulders , I flicked her clit with my tongue . She moaned & told me to stop teasing her . I licked every inch of her pussy inside & out , sticking my tongue inside her , licking her walls . She's moaning & griping my hair , pushing my head in her pussy yelling more . I could tell she was about to cum, she started squeezing her thighs & moaning loud asf . She cam all in my mouth , I slurped that shit up & put her down , I kissed her & stuck my tongue in her mouth letting her taste herself .

Yanis POV

* Freaks out in my head * OMGG THAT THING SHE DOES WITH HER TONGUE!! I pull away from her kiss & look up at her & smile . We finish our shower then get out .

Me: Bae what you want to eat ?

Donica : You *bites lip*

Me: Ha bae im fr what you want to eat ? Besides me .. Stop being freaky .

Donica : Grr fine bae , whatever you make is fine , you know i love your cooking . *smiles*

Me: Ohk bae i got you , find a movie for us to watch . Nothing scary thoe ! *giggles*

Donica : Alright bae , but only if you cook naked *winks & licks lips*

Me: Hmm, *thinks* Fine ! You win *smiles & blows a kiss*

Donica : I know dont i always . *blows a kiss back*

Donica's POV

I was sitting there looking for a movie for us to watch , when i got a text from my ex Lele. I aint even wanna look at that shit, that bitch make me so sick, so i just left it there . Then right when bae was bringing the food in my phone start ringing & guess who it is -_- Lele dumb ass. Bae looked at me with a mean ass face & i just ignored the call knowing a fight was coming . Bae i ... before i could even finish talking she slapped me & i just sat there looking stupid . She walked out the room mad as fuck . I aint know what to do, cause i dont think she would even believe me .

Yanis POV

I was all happy & shit . Got the food in my hands, walking to the room & when i walk in , her phone ringing & the name on the phone was Lele (ex bae) . I throw that food down so fast & smacked the fuck out of her . I was mad as fuck that she even still had her fucking number in her phone, let alone this bitch still calling her ? Naw fuck that shit . I walked out the room mad as fuck trying to calm down . But i mean damn man ... Fr ? I already dont trust her with her exs smfh . Ima just lay down & take a nap man .

Donica's POV

I walk out the room after a few mins to find Yani sleeping on the couch looking so fucking sexy all naked & shit . I loved it . I think ima do something special for her when she wakes up to prove to her that i only want her & that all them other hoes is cut off & done . *Starts planning shit*

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