Part 1

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It was morning in Oregon, the sun was shining but partly cloudy in the sky. It was the middle of July, an annoying sound could be heard coming from a certain device, it was an alarm clock on a white colored nightstand next to a bed and in the bed was a girl sleeping snuggling her pillow like a plush toy.

My Pov.

"Eh..." I tossed and turned in my bed, i try to block the sound with my pillow covering me ears, it was muffled but i could still hear it. "Alright i'm up, i'm up." I opened my eyes half way and removed the pillow from my ears as i sat up i reached over and pressed the button on the clock to stop it so i could have peace and quite.

I raised my arms up in the air and stretched. "What time is it?" I yawned, i looked over at the clock at gasped. "8:39? I'm late! she's gonna be so mad at me." I quickly pulled my covers off me and ran to my dresser. "What to wear, what to wear." I saw a white tank top and a pair of jeans. "This will have to do." I removed my Pj's and put on the shirt and jeans, i went to over to my mirror and sat down on my chair, my hair was dark brown that reached down to my lower back, it was a mess "Bed head." I called myself, and reached over to grab my brush then started to brush through my hair as quickly can, causing me to yank out some knots in my hair. "Man that smarts." I placed the brush down and looked over and saw my jewelry box, i opened the box and saw earrings, bracelets and a black choker. I picked the choker and placed it around my neck i did one last look over in the mirror, I rarely wear makeup but i looked over at my clock again. "There's no need and no time." I opened my door and rushed out, waved and said 'Good bye.' to my mother that was sitting near table with breakfast she made. But i didn't have time to eat as i rushed out the front door.

I ran to the park where my friend was at, she was sitting on the bench looking at her phone, i saw her peek up from her phone and saw me. "Finally, what toke you so long?" She asked me, i chuckled embarrassed as i rubbed the back of my head if i was an anime character a sweat mark would be going down on my head. "I slept in, forgive me amy. " I begged.

She stood up and walked to me with a frown on her face, i was nervous about what she was gonna say. "You really need to fix that alarm clock of yours." She smiled at me and began to laugh, i was relieved that she wasn't angry. "You're not mad at me?" She shook her head with a smile on her face. "Trust me it happened to me multiple of times, lets get going Bonnie." she chuckled, i nodded and started to walk beside her, i saw her texting on her phone. "who ya texting this time?" i asked, i never had or bought a phone in my life so i wouldn't know the feel of calling and texting as my friend does. "A boy at school, his name is thatch. He's super hot and he has a skull tattoo on his right shoulder." I never really understood why my friend liked guys with tattoos so much.

But i didn't ask her. "So what are we gonna do tonight?" I asked, she was still glued to her phone and kept texting. "I was thinking about a smoothie and a movie, like a horror film." I shivered, i felt my stomach turn. "Amy you know i don't like horror films, even if i look at them i get nightmares." I groaned. "Oh c'mon please for me bonnie? i've been wanting to see it with you." I saw her begging me with the puppy dog eyes, i took a deep breath and let it out. "Alright, but just this once and if i have nightmares i'm blaming you." She did a twirl of joy. "Don't worry about it, it's just a film. But if you do have nightmares you know whose gonna help you calm down again." she patted my back, she was right she always helped me calm down every time i got scared or sick. She went back to her phone again.

We didn't talk for five minutes until Amy asked me something out of the blue. "So hows the show watching coming along?" "Pretty good, i finished with season one and two. But i keep watching each scene over again where ever the serpentine comes on screen over and over again." I told her and laughed. "You really like that show don't ya?" All i could do was nod. "I don't know why, but i like the adventures and the actions but mostly i love snakes. I even wish for a pet snake one day but my mother is afraid of them so i guess thats a no." I loved snakes when i was just six years old, now i'm eighteen and hanging out with my best friend.

We head to a cross walk i pressed the button and we waited for the cross walk to tell us it's safe to cross, "It's safe to cross." I told her and yet again she was looking at her phone texting but she started to walk, i looked both ways i liked to be careful you don't what crazy drivers there might be out tonight.

I heard roaring sound coming from something but i couldn't place it so i looked to my friend that was almost half way through the cross walk, but i kept hearing that sound again i looked to my right and saw a truck racing towards her. 'A hit and run!' My mind screamed at me, i saw that the truck was driving quickly to Amy. I ran as fast as i could to her and pushed her out of the way, the last thing i could see was the trucks hood coming straight at me, the world felt like it slowed down until the truck hit me, i flew a couple of feet all i could hear was the truck driving away quickly and amy screaming my name. My side was bleeding my eyes started to close and the last thing a saw was amy rushing towards me with tears in her eyes and calling the police until everything faded to black.

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