Part 2

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My Pov

I didn't feel any pain anymore, but i felt cramped into a small space. I to move my arms but i was so squeezed in i could barely move around in, i try to open my eyes but every time i did they would sting every time it felt like when i try to open my eyes while underwater. 'Am i underwater? wait a minute if i was underwater then i wouldn't be able to breath so i guess that theory was out', i opened my eyes again, but my eyes stung again but i kept them open, my eyes got used to the sting that i couldn't feel it every time i blinked. My hands felt weird and every time i opened and closed them i couldn't feel my fingers or even wiggle them i couldn't even feel my toes. 'Wait my toes?' I just notice i was curled in a fetal position, i wasn't able to straighten my legs out at anyway possible, i moved my right arm up at the surface it felt dry but my arm was soaked. 'What the?' i brought my right arm back to my side and i moved my hand around it felt like water.

'Am i in a sack?' i was freaking now, so i pounded at the surface for a few times, it felt hard so it couldn't be i womb i was in. I saw a small crack of light i started to pound at the surface again, but with no effect. I scratched under my chin then i notice that my chin was a bit longer i then try to feel my mouth feeling two tiny fangs, 'Fangs, fetal position, a sack, hard surface everywhere.' I ponder all of those things together until i found myself figuring out the answer, i'm a snake hatchling in an egg that was ready to be hatched.

'Well this is a weird thing to be reborn as.' If i was snake hatchling then i would have a egg tooth, so i poked the side of the egg with my face, it was harder then it looks but i kept trying until my snout felt a bit of wind, i pushed my face at the side harder, every time i did that i was able to push my snout out of the egg and saw a patch of pink flowers and butterflies landing on them then flying off.

"What is that thing?!" I heard someone yell so i stopped trying to get out of the egg it sounded like a raspy males voice,  footsteps coming closer and closer to me and felt someone lifting me in the egg. 'Whats going on, i was busy trying to hatch here!' i yelled in my mind. "Hmm i could sell this thing, i know it's an egg but it's way too big to be a chicken egg or crocodile. But i'm gonna sell it anyways, selling to a zoo will pay big bucks for this baby." i heard laughter, i felt being placed in something.

I heard a 'click' i peeked out of the small hole i made and saw the man, the clicking sound was a seat belt and i was in a small basket in the front seat. 'Great he's selling me in a basket what can possibly be worse, oh yeah he's selling me in a zoo.' i was in fright about what was gonna happen next. It felt like hours as he drove to the zoo, but i felt the car stop and turned out. 'Oh great we're here.' I peeked though the small hole and saw the man he was a lego! 'A Lego!' My mind screamed at me I was in the lego universe, i saw him grab the basket with me in it and started to walk towards a open gate above the gate was a metal sign that said 'Zoo' i gulped and saw him walk up to another lego man that looked like the Zoo manger. "What kind of egg is that?!" The manger cried in shock.

"I don't know, but i found it alone by a patch of flowers. But i could sell it to you for price of one thousand dollars. 'One thousand dollars, really dude? i know i'm a egg but thats just too much money' "One thousand dollar, are you mad!?" The manger said to him i notice on his shirt had a name tag that said 'Gary' like the pet snail from spongebob. "Well if you don't want the egg or wants inside that might make you richer then you are now I could sell this sell this egg to restaurant." The con man said to gary, now i was really panicking 'I take that back buy me, Buy me please!' I begged i knew they couldn't hear me and i wasn't able to talk yet. The con man start to take a couple of steps away from gary.

"Wait!" Gary yelled, the con man stopped walking and turned back towards him again. "Do we have a deal then Gary?" He placed me in his left and brought out his right hand towards gary. "We have a deal." Gary told him and shook his hand with his, i was sold to a zoo by a con lego man. I saw gary giving the con man the money and felt the basket shift knowing was given to gary. "Pleasure doing business with you." I Heard him say to gary and walked away with money in his hands, i watched him walking away until i couldn't see him anymore. "I wonder what egg you are? you're a reptile kind of egg I'll give you to our zoo vet." He was talking to me in my shell, i peeked outside the shell and gasped that he saw me. "It looks like you already started hatching, better hurry and see whose gonna be our new zoo attraction." He chuckled, he didn't sound good to more but more snobby.

I arrived in the vet clinic, i saw a lego woman i bet that she was the vet and she was. I felt her pick me up from the basket. "This is a big egg gary, where did you get it?" She asked him. "A con man gave the egg from one thousand bucks." I heard him tell her. "One thousand dollars, are you crazy?!" she yelled at him. "Well if we find out what this big egg is hiding inside, it could be our next biggest attraction." I saw him gave her a wicked grin, i saw her sigh and gave in. "You better be right about this." She started to rotate me inside the egg and saw the hole i made. "It seems we don't have to wait." She told him and picked up a scalpel, i was shaking wanting to run but how can you run inside a shell. "Now lets see this bundle of joy." She started to cut through the hole i made in the shell.

I hissed as i saw bright light, i shielded my eyes with my hands for a split second i saw my hands, i lego as well but i was covered in scales. 'Wait a minute, snakes don't have hands or feet.' i paused myself then shouted in my mind as i just realized i was in Lego Ninjago, my favorite show and i'm one of the hatchlings from one of the serpentine tribes.

"Oh my..." I looked up at the vet, i could finally see what was around me clearer. "It's a Serpentine Hatchling!" She shrieked in fright, but i looked over and saw gary place his hand under his chin and smirked. "Why hello my new little attraction." He greeted me, now i just ponder what was gonna happen next.

A Ninjago Story, A Snakes TaleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu