Chapter Fifteen: Near-Death Experiences Are My Life

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I bit down on my bottom lip, trying not to scream as the Doc carefully removed the glass from my foot.

"Easy, easy... Just relax. Don't tense up."

I merely nodded, eyes clenched shut while trying to ignore the pain searing through my foot back at the flat.

I'm pretty sure I was crying as he pulled that shard out of my heel, but I'm not exactly sure. Those moments were all really a blur, a painful, fiery blur. It felt worse than the bullet, and at least I was unconscious for that.

"Hang in there, Aurora," he spoke gently, and I felt Watson's hand pat my own lightly. "Last one, alright? We're almost done. Just stay calm."

I bit back a cry as I felt that glass slide out from the inside of my foot, and as soon as it was bandaged, I was wrapped up in the Doc's arms, his guiding me to get comfortable on the sofa.

"Oh, you poor thing..." he murmured, easing down beside me and throwing an arm around my shoulders to pull me close. I found myself leaning in, letting him fuss over me like the overprotective doctor he was. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

I shook my head, burrowing into his side tiredly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... Doc, why does everything want to kill me?"

He sighed, pulling me even closer. "I don't know, Aurora. You're different, and I guess the world doesn't like that."

"But I'm being chased down by the Scotland Yard," I barely whispered. "It's only a matter of time until they trace me back to you. I don't want you and Snappy-Pants getting hurt because of me..."

"Aurora, look at me." He lifted my chin gently, making sure I met his eyes. His voice was soft and gentle, and I couldn't help but listen to him as he spoke. "How many times must I tell you this? You mean the world, Aurora, and there is no way I'm letting you go through this alone. You're only twelve; you can't be expected to do everything you've done without a little guidance and support. Besides..."

He playfully pinched my nose, making me smile slightly. "...You're new when it comes to the outside world."

"I'm not new."

"Oh, yes you are," he laughed lightly. "You're also just a baby when it comes to human interaction."

"Am not..."

"Fine then. I suppose you could understand why I care for you, why I pamper you, and why I enjoy being overprotective of you." He gave me a smile as I retracted my statement, his giving my shoulder a little squeeze. I felt him rest his chin atop my head as he chuckled, "Told you so. Now don't try to strain yourself. The more rest you get the sooner you'll be able to walk again."

"This is nice," I yawned after a little while, absentmindedly sipping at the mug of hot chocolate the Doc had forced upon me. He smiled, giving my shoulders a squeeze with the soft remark, "Yep, no killing, no death, no running, just hot chocolate and the Telly. Not bad, eh?"

I nodded, burying my face in his shoulder. "Doc, is this even worth it? What if I just-"

Watson's expression darkened considerably, his teeth grit, and a fire flared in his eyes. "Don't you dare even think of giving up. Your parents were wrong to leave you, so wrong that it's despicable. You don't deserve this treatment, especially not from your own parents."

"Doc, I don't want your or Holmes's getting hurt..."

"Don't even think about us," he insisted. "You are the priority, and I know that I can speak for Sherlock when I say that we are going to get your name cleared."

Just then I found Holmes entering the room, and Doc instantly stood upon finding how. The detective had a split lip and a large bruise forming just beneath his eye along with a small cut running along his hair line. His hands were behind his back and clasped together by handcuffs, and Inspector Lestrade was the one arresting him.

"Lestrade!" the Doc growled in protest, hands turning into fists as he stood in front of me protectively. "I thought we could trust you."

"I'm truly sorry, Doctor, but I have orders. Anderson, get... get Aurora."

"My pleasure."

My heart seemed to have stopped, and I was numb with disbelief as I was forced to stand despite the blood dripping from my feet. Doctor Watson was screaming my name, and I could see him struggling to get free as I was cuffed and gripped tightly by the collar of my shirt and the arm.

"-rora! Run, Aurora!"

I seemed to be in slow motion as I looked up, finding my two companions yelling at me to run. They were desperate, fighting against the men holding them back, but I couldn't do anything. I was numb, unable to even move. That is, until Holmes elbowed me in the side and hissed, "Vatican Cameo."

I looked at him in confusion but ducked just in time as I saw him kick a revolver up from beneath the couch, his firing it directly where my head was. I felt Doc's arms wrap around me for a moment, his pressing a kiss to my forehead before prodding me towards the door. "Run, Aurora, and don't come back. We'll find you."

I knew that that was my one chance of escape, but I found myself refusing, darting for my two companions as a few men moved to restrain me. The world seemed like it didn't even exist as I screamed for them, struggling against my captors and reaching for the two people I actually felt safe with.


Our fingers met briefly before we were torn apart, and I fought fiercely, struggling to get back to the only people that mattered as I was forced out of the flat.


I broke away with that last cry, making a wild dash up the steps and into the Doc's arms. He held me close, a hand petting my hair as he pressed his lips atop my head and whispered, "We'll find you; I promise. I won't let you live your life alone-"

I let out a cry of protest as I was ripped from his arms again, his voice still clear even as I was forced into the car.

"I promise I'll find you again! I swear! -Damn it, Lestrade. She's just a child! All she needs is some care!"

I was locked in an interrogation room, bound by a straitjacket yet again. My legs were shackled together and connected to the wall by a short chain, and my hands were as well. I was even chained to my chair, allowing no room for movement, much less breath. My head hung low, and I could see the small droplets of water littering the floor because of my tears. I didn't pay attention to my interrogator, utterly broken inside.

I couldn't even respond as a fist was rammed into my jaw repeatedly from either side. I simply couldn't. It didn't seem worth fighting for. I had lost. I hadn't just lost my war with my parents; I had lost my will to escape, to survive. More importantly, I had lost Holmes and Watson... I needed Snappy-Pants and Doc back. I just did.

I don't know when the beatings ceased, but I do know I didn't care. I was so utterly destroyed on the inside that I couldn't feel the destruction on the outside. I was numb, unable to care for anything anymore.

"Hello, my dear. How was that little revenge of yours going, hmm?"

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