They Don't See It (Poem/Spoken Word)

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They don't see it.
The smile I put on and the games I play,
They don't see the tears drip down my face when I'm alone,
Or the hate I feel towards myself.

They don't see my lies that whisper across my lips,
Or the pain in my eyes as I talk about my wishes, my hopes and my dreams...
That I know I'll never complete

I have two sides to me
The public view,
Where I pretend to be happy and full of life
Then I have the one that's for me, late at night
The one that cries in the shower or when no ones around
Or the one that thinks she's ugly and worthless, ready to jump off into the crowd

This sickness I have, I can't describe as my mother said it's hormones, and my father doesn't dare to think anything is wrong.
They say, you aren't active enough. Why are you tired? You didn't do anything today.

You want to know what I did today?

I wallowed in myself and watched as I slipped away.
I listened to my self doubt in my head, curled up in a bed on the bed.
I played my sad song in my head.. over and over again.

They don't see that I'm not happy. They don't see that I'm suffering on the inside...

And I hate them all for it.

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