The Scientist // Ch.17

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The Scientist by Coldplay
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"Nobody said it was easy."
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"What do you want from me?" Ratchet demanded angrily. Minutes ago, he had been unconscious, and only seconds ago he was fluttering his optics open. He was strapped to a table, his pedes tipped towards the silver floor.

   "Your assistantance, actually." You told the Autobot. Your servos were on your fabulous hips as you wore a sassy smirk. The medic would admit you were attractive, but he was not one to fall for seduction.

   "Indeed. For a little science project." Megatron added. He was wearing his own evil grin that, once again showcased his sharp, gleaming denta.

   "I will never cooperate." The Autobot medic hissed.

   "Shockwave does not require your cooperation to siphon your knowledge, doctor." The ex-gladiator said, pointing at his own helm. The scientist walked up to the captive with a large wire for none other than the Cortical Psychic Patch. I'm sorry, you thought sadly as the ambulance was plugged in. Did everything have to go so wrong today?
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   "And what did the Cortical Psychic Patch yield?" Your sire questioned the purple cyclops. Shockwave unplugged the cord from Ratchet's helm.

   "Only confirmation that the Synthetic Energon formula is unstable, and that the Autobot medic's work on it remains incomplete." Shockwave replied to his master. You stayed silent with a snarky mask as you watched the scene. Your worry for the Bots didn't cease to exist and it got worse with each moment that passed. The only reason Starscream wasn't telling anyone anything was because of the sickening deal that you had been offered and forced to except. You needed to stay trustworthy to your sire but also to your friends! It was hard to do both simultaneously.

   "Then it seems we must help Ratchet finish his work." The warmonger suggested, his toothy grin only confirming a few of your predictions.
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   "Are you done poking around inside my head?" The old mech asked in annoyance at the sound of the automatic door opening. "You didn't find what you wanted, did you? Or else you wouldn't be here." Ratchet turned around to face you all as you walked closer. He was in an empty room that gave off an ominous feeling.

   "What we want apparently does not yet exist." Megatron states. You were hugging his arm like a daddy's little girl would.

   "And that would be . . . ?" The medic asked. 

   "We would absolutely love it if you could finish your work on the Synth-En!" You exclaimed with an innocent and sweet expression. You were taller than the doctor, so the height difference was just randomly amusing you.

   "Even if I were capable, do you think I would hand over a limitless supply of fuel and ammunition just so you can turn around and use it against the Autobots?!" Ratchet spat at them furiously. He held up his tightly bound servos as he talked and turned around when he was done.

   "Oh Ratchet, you misunderstand!" You spoke up, your voice sounding just as young and innocent as before. The ex-gladiator grinned at your act.

   "Indeed you do! I intend to use your formula for the purpose of creation, not destruction." Your sire said. You knew this was a lie! Cyberforming Earth would bring the elimination of entire species! The doctor spun around, his curiosity getting the better of him, and your sire kept going.

   "We have fortuitously discovered that your Synth-En, when combined with cyber-nucleic acid, may in fact from the basis for an alternative cyber-matter." The warlord explained to the Autobot.

   "You are attempting to rebuild the Omega Lock." The captive realized, gasping in astonishment.

   "We stand on the verge of a great moment. The restoration of our very homeworld!" Your sire announced. You could see the greed in your sire's optics, the ambition that drove him to be the parent you never wanted.

   "Collaborate with the barbarian who essentially destroyed our planet in the first place? Who sadistically crushed Bumblebee's voice box while looking him in the eye?! No thank you." Ratchet declined the offer. You could see all of the scenes in your processor clearly, as if you had witnessed and felt them for yourself. Your sire thought you were nothing more than a special soldier in higher ranks. That's what the slap had shown you. Hopefully, it didn't get any worse than that.

   "Then I present you with a choice: complete your research, or . . ." Megatron trailed off as Soundwave walked up to the medic. A picture of the Autobot's three human companions  popped up onto his visor.

   "Humans, always the weak link." Starscream chuckled, staring hungrily at your delicious hips and delicate chassis.

   "Are these humans supposed to mean something to me?" The doctor asked shakily. You could tell it pained him to say such a thing.

   "If they do not, I am certain this will." A picture of the Autobot base showed up on Soundwave's visor. "As you most certainly must be aware, we know the location of your current base. Accept my offer, and I will allow your fellow Autobots and human pets to remain unharmed. Think it over, good doctor." Your sire turned around and walked out of the room with the rest of his subordinates lining up behind him. You were the last to leave.

   "I'm so sorry." You whispered before running out to catch up the Decepticon leader.

   "My liege, you aren't really going to allow the Autobots to remain operational?" Starscream was saying to him as you caught up with the mechs.

   "Of course not. Assemble your armada, Starscream, and decimate their base once again."  The seeker smiled evilly and went to do just that. You directed yourself to your berthroom to notify the Autobot lieutenant.

   "Magnus!" You called through your comm. "Ultra Magnus!"

   "Y/D? We can't talk right now, I'm busy." You dropped to the floor to use an arm and reach out under your berth for your small project.

   "At the moment, I don't really care! Starscream is coming in fast with an armada of fliers to destroy Hanger E!" You warned him. Your servo finally gripped onto something, and you pulled out your invisibility device.

   "Wait, how is Ratchet?" Optimus' second-in-command inquired. You opened your chassis to secure the device into your chest plates.

  "He's fine, but I'm not gonna be able to break him out. Now go! Save yourselves!" You shouted before logging off. You needed to see Ratchet soon so you could tell him about your current situation.

   It's such a shame for us to part . . .

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