Chapter 2 - My Dating History

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"Well, let's see here. You've had a boyfriend when we were in high school. You dated for three years and he also cheated on you three times. But you kept on taking him back over and over again thinking that no one will ever want you since we're from an all girls school and having a boyfriend is like a miracle back then."

"Kari, I don't see the point—"

"Shh, Lex. Not yet done. Second boyfriend, you dated him almost throughout college. You guys were good together, gotta admit. Things ended badly and I say you never really got over him. And then there's that whole other angle hidden somewhere in there."

I almost choked on my coffee. "What? I so did! I've moved the fuck on!" I wiped the corner of my lips with a tissue. I chose to ignore the last sentence she said.

"Which brings us to boyfriend number three. Let's call him Mr. Rebound 'coz that's what he totally was."

"He was my fiancé, Kari."

Yep, that's right. I almost got married. Almost being the operative word here. Shocker, huh?

"Yup. Rebound. You were so broken over college guy that you quickly jumped on the first person who took notice."

"I did not!" The ladies from the other table turned and glared once more. I lowered my voice when I spoke again. "Two years passed after my breakup before I was with my ex-fiance."

"Two years which you spent pining over your college ex and that other asshole."

Yup, that was the killer move. It felt like a stake was drove straight into my heart and if I was a vampire, I would've burst into ashes. Which could have been a good thing considering that this conversation just took a turn for the worse with my past being brought up.

I didn't want to talk about college ex. I didn't want to talk about asshole guy or you know, my 'the one that got away.'"

This conversation was really going downhill. I need to steer this the other way fast. "Why aren't you using their names?" I asked with a laugh which I hope didn't sound nervous.

Kari blinked. "Names have power, Lex."

I shook my head and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Next topic?"

Kari laughed. "Oh no. We are finishing this. So where was I?" I groaned and rubbed my face with my hands. "So about fiancé. He was clearly a rebound, Lex. It was doomed from the start. And then it ended. Care to remind me why?"

"He cheated. He got another girl pregnant and blamed me for not being there."

Maybe Kari was right. Looking at it from a different perspective, it's easy to conclude he was a rebound. We did have good times. When we broke up, I missed the companionship but I moved on easily. Too easily. Some even said I was looking for a way out of that relationship anyway and I found it when he got another girl pregnant.

"And what happened after?" Kari prodded. She knew the answers to these questions. She just wanted to hear me say it and gloat in my misery.

"I threw myself into work. No dates. No love life whatsoever."

"Exactly! And now you think that just because you're feeling peer pressure over everyone enjoying their relationships that you'll just magically find someone when you snap your fingers and also not get your heart broken in the process?"

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