Jasper Jordan - "You're a great person. Don't ever forget that."

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Triggerwarning: Depression and suicidal thoughts

"Jasper?" You swallowed while you waited at the door of his bedroom. You had tried to talk to him for days now, but every time you tried he pushed you away. A part of you was not sure anymore if you should keep on trying, another part of you was certain that if you would allow him to push you away, you would only make things worse, much worse.

"What?" Jasper opened his eyes. He had his hands under his head and he laid on his bed as if he had nothing better to do, as if he knew nothing better to do. "Are you here to give me another lecture on surviving? Are you here to tell me why I should keep on trying when we're gonna die in a few weeks anyway?" He pushed himself up and he locked his glance with yours.

"No." You shook your head and you walked towards the bed. You sat down on the edge of it and you placed your hand next to your body while your eyes didn't let go of his. "I'm not here to lecture you. I'm not here to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. I think there are more than enough people already doing that."

Jasper pushed himself up. The mocking smile on his face disappeared and he frowned his eyebrows while he cocked his head. "Then what are you doing here?" He leaned on his elbows and you shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know if you still remember, but I do love you." You bit your lip and reached for his hand. "I know that you had a hard time and I know that no one took the time to actually talk to you, to listen to you. And I also know that you're still angry with Bellamy and Clarke because they have not tried to save Maia." You paused for a moment, but Jasper didn't say anything. "And I want you to know that I still love you."

"No one can love me anymore and I can't love anyone anymore either." Jasper pulled his hand back. "I tried. I tried to love you. I tried to find something good in this life, but it's just not there." He shook his head and he avoided your glance.

"It's not there right now." You swallowed. You wanted to help him. You wanted to help him so badly, but you knew that you could only help him if he let you. "Right now this world is ugly and dark. People do things they don't want to do. People are persons they don't want to be."

"People die..." Jasper interrupted you and he fell down again, his head resting in his pillow. "People kill. People decide who gets to live and who doesn't." His voice was barely a whisper.

A part of you wanted to stand up and walk away, but you didn't. You wouldn't let him chase you away. You would prove him that you would stick with him, no matter where he'd go and how his story would end. You would prove him that you were going to be there for him, whether he would choose to accept the help or not. "I know." You paused for a moment, hesitated. "I just want you to know that you're a great person. No matter how dark the world is. No matter how cruel the people are. You're a great person. Don't ever forget that." You grabbed his hand again and squeezed it. "And I'm not going anywhere. Whether you can love me back or not."

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