Ivan Nipper!

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Assalamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu!

I'm here with a new chapter.

Hope you'll like it.☺

Read and Enjoy!😁


"Ah! That's the new boy, Ivan Nipper" Jim introduced, pointing towards the boy.

"He's really a cute guy" I commented about Ivan Nipper.

Ivan Nipper was aged as same as Dale's. He has a short hair. He used to wear only long sleeve T-shirts in which the shirt is in one colour and the sleeve in another colour. He is a good football player. He's very white and he has a cute smile.

"Yeah, he's handsome" Tenzy agreed with me.

"Oh stop!" Dale burst in anger. "He looks like a peacock with disease. Very white and very stupid. He's an ugly duckling. Freak!" commented Dale, gritting his teeth.

"Dale, if we didn't praise the beauty, it's bad. And for your information, if he come and ask me to leave you all, I'll do it and go with him" said Tenzy, laughing in her sleeve.

Dale got up to go away, but I caught him.

"Come on Dale" I consoled him. "We were just joking. You are the best" I said smiling. He smiled back.

"Then me?" Dylan uttered shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah Yeah, you too" I told smiling.

"Yeah I know" Dylan remarked.

"Then why did you ask me?" I yelled at him, pretending to be angry.

"I'm sorry, I was just joking" he apologised. He looked at me with frightened eyes. I frown at him. He tried to grin. Then I laughed at him.

"Hehe, I thought you were angry with me" he suggested.

"I was joking too" I replied smiling.

"Hello" walking towards us, Ivan greeted.

"Hello, nice to meet you! Good to see you! Now go away! Go! Go! Go!" Dale said, pushing Ivan.

"Dale" called Dylan. "Don't worry, he won't take your girlfriend away" teased Dylan.

"Dylan, do you want something from me?" asked Dale.

"I didn't complete my essay, did you complete it, Dale?" Dylan changed the topic.

"Hi! Ivan, I'm Jenny" everyone introduced themselves to Ivan and at last I introduced myself. "I'm..." Before I finish my speech, Ivan told "Lucy Weasly"

How do you know?" I inquired in surprise, because I haven't met him before.

"I know you, Principal had already told me about you, you're a new student too, right?" he replied. "And for your information, I'm a cousin of Loso" he related.

"Cousin of Loso?" I exclaimed. "How is Loso?" I asked.

"He's busy in taking care of your Speedy" answered Ivan.

"Speedy? Who is Speedy" turning towards Ivan, Dylan asked. I shook my head, for I don't want him to talk about Speedy in front of my friends. I think he understood me.

"Just a friend of Lucy and I got to know Tenzy's also a good friend of Lucy"

"So?" said Dale, smiling but angrily. Dylan nudged me. "The love bird has got angry" he whispered.

"I heard you, Dylan" uttered Dale.

Dale glanced at Dylan and Dylan held up his hands in defense, "I didn't say anything"

Dale came to catch him, and Dylan, started to escape from Dale by keeping me in middle. As we were laughing, the bell for our lunch rang. We walked into the food hall. Soon Ivan found a place and took me near him. My friends sat in another place.

Then I heard Dale muttering to Dylan "He's trying to catch our friends by his fake laugh, but he don't know about me"

When we sat to eat he asked me why I stopped him from telling my friends about Speedy.

"I don't want my friends to know that I'm a illegal bike racer" I uttered him. He smiled at me. I saw something in his eyes which told me that he likes me. But I'm not sure. I can't take risks.

The next day at evening I couldn't talk anything freely with my friends. The whole evening Ivan was hanging behind me. It was really irritating.


How was the chappy?😎

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Let's meet again in a new chapter.

Until then,
Assalamu Alaeikum Warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu!👋

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