How to not be an Asian failure:

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Extended summary:
All Calleach Wu wants to do is to make it past his schooling (ha) life unscathed. Obviously, his parents (and grades, on top of everything else) have other plans for him. 

This story will be based in Singapore (the country sandwiched between Malaysia and Indonesia that is NOT, in fact, in China) and I'll do my best to explain references that may not otherwise be known elsewhere. 

I am honestly doing this book in good fun, because why not? But I'd like to first mention here and now that I love my country, and if anything, this just pokes fun at the typical "Asian" or "Chinese" culture ingrained in Singapore. 

Obviously, there will be stereotyping so if you get offended I highly recommend you don't read the book. The nature of the book is satirical, but I really don't mean any offence. 

Last but probably most important, I chose the name Calleach mainly because I have not met anyone named Calleach here and THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON ANYONE NAMED CALLEACH because as mentioned, I know of no Calleachs lol and I really don't want to accidentally offend someone. 

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