Chapter one. The metting

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I woke up staring at the ceiling wondering to myself if today was actually gonna play out the way I wanted it to. Of course it will I say subconsciously........

I really hope it does. {Phone starts to beep which knocks me right out of my thoughts}..... "Mm" oh message I start to blush, I wonder who remembers me I love receiving messages it makes me feel kinda special yeah I know right I have a low self esteem. Its a message from school (Please be reminded that all classes resume in two weeks time and new students will be required to start their new term also) That's all it said it was kind of boring reading it then again I'm still sleepy so what do I know........

I stare at the clock is it really almost 9:30am I quickly take up my phone a check to see if the time is right "fuck" I mumble to my self. (I hate getting up so god damn early in the morning kmft) "You have to get the hell up" The person in my head tells me... "Mm" thanks.


Ding!! Dong!! "Mm" I look up from my coffee cup "Wat the fuck was that" I mumble to my self, "the doorbell you ass" the voice in my head says to me. "Oh" thanks


I quickly ran to the door an just before the person on the other side could ring the doorbell again I quickly opened it. "Hi good morning" I say to the beautiful attractive sexy young lady standing in front of me with a beautiful smile, "Good morning, you must be David" she says or rather yet asks because it seems like she's unsure, "in deed I am and you must be Sheri Brooks", " Yes I am" she states with a small smile across with a little blush she's cute when she blushes. "So" she says while looking in the room behind me probably wondering why the ass hasn't invited her in has yet, "Oh I'm sorry where are my manners please come in come in.

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