Title Goes Here

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She opened her eyes, or at least one of them. The other eye was swollen. She found that she couldn't sit up in the dark room she was in. She noticed that she laid on a small bed. She tried moving but it hurt to much. She groaned and heard a laugh to her side.

"Who are you?" She asked softly.

"Your best friend silly!" A laugh could then be heard.

"The hell are you talking about?" She asked but she heard no reply.

"Hello? You still there?" Silence was her answer. She sighed before closing her eyes, she might as well try to get some sleep. Who knows how long she'll be in here. Her only hope was that Frisk and Chara might find her. For now, all she could to was go back to sleep.

She woke up to a crashing sound followed by a scream. She opened her eyes.

"What?" He kept listening to the loud sounds before it all went quite. A door could be heard opening followed by someone taking a deep breath, as in sock.

"(Y/n)?" You looked to your side to see him. "Sans? What are you doing here?" He walked closer to you, sadness was clearly seen in his eyes.

"J-just close your eyes, okay kiddo?"

You did as you were told. Suddenly, you couldn't feel the bed anymore but a soft surface. You opened your eyes and found yourself in a small cozy room.
You looked at Sans.

"What's going on?" Suddenly, a small flower appeared next to Sans. Flowey looked angry.

"Damn it, smiley trash bag! Now what?! They're both pissed and we can't do anything to stop them!"

You were confused. "Stop who?"

"Frisk and Chara you dumb ass! You act like Sans didn't explain anything at all to you!"

"Because he hasn't." You pointed out.

The flower glared at Sans. "You didn't tell her?!"

"I didn't get the chance." Sans didn't seem to happy.

"What's going on?"

Sans gave you a sad look. "Well, let's start from the top. Who's your best friend?"


Sans shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that's not true. Taco's not a real person, just an illusion created by Chara and Frisk. Let me guess, you think you've lived on the surface all your life?"

You but your lip as he went on. "Well, you've lived a good part of your life on the surface, but for the past five years you've been in the Underground. You fell from the same place Frisk and Chara did. In fact, Frisk was the one who found you. Long story short, you made friends with pretty much everyone."

"Okay, now where do things go bad. We wouldn't be here if they hadn't." You said.

"It was when his obsession started. By his, I mean Frisk's. I hadn't noticed it myself until later, but he had grown to adore you. Want you for himself. Soon, monsters started disappearing. Then, one day, you vanished. It was that time, that all the missing monsters reappeared. It was like the way things were before you came. When I asked people about you, they didn't know who you were. Part of me even believed my memories of you were fake. That was until me and Flowey here talked about you. Anyway, monsters then came to the surface not long after and you know the rest."

"Wait, what about Chara?"


"You never mentioned him or why he's alive. I thought he was dead or something."

Sans sighed. "He was."


Flowey groaned. "For fuck's sake! You brought him back to life. Congrats! Your determination brought that bag of ass back to life! Hope you feel proud."

"So who beat me up?" Sans glared at Flowey.

Flowey rolled his eyes. "I didn't hurt her that badly."

"Her leg is broken."

"Not broken badly."

You rolled your eyes. "So why am I here?"

Sans held one of your hands. "Because I promised myself that I'd save you from them."

You sighed. "Thanks but no thanks, I'm dating them and ever though they're a little weird, I love them."

Sans grip on your hand tightened. "No, you don't, they're tricking you."

You tried pulling your hand away, but it hurt to much. "Yes I do!" You regretted yelling as your throat was already sore.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard. Flowey disappeared and Sans glared at you. "As your friend, I'm asking you to stay." Then he vanished too. You heard crashing and banging from another room somewhere but decided to ignore it. You closed your eyes, hoping to sleep away the pain you were feeling in your body. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

You woke up some time later, feeling a bit better. You were in a new room. It was mostly mint green with some exceptions here and there. You looked at what parts of you you could see and noticed you hand many bandaids, you know, the kind for more serious wounds. The door beside you opens and Frisk walks in with a smile on your face.

"Hay sleepy head."

You smiled back at your love. "Haya, what did I miss?"

He sat by you on the bed. "Nothing important."

You decided to leave things there. "Where's Chara?"

"On his way over here."

"Okay." Your hand found one of his and you gently held it. "I love you Frisk."

He used his other hand to push some of your hair away from your face. "I love you more than words could ever describe. I won't let you get hurt again. I promise."

Chara walked in. "Holy shit, you're okay, I'm so happy. Holy shit." He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Don't worry, you're safe now." He whispered before standing again.

"Actually, (y/n), I need to tell you something important."


Frisk looked upset for a moment before he spoke. "It's just, when we went to your house after you called us, your house.... they, Sans and Flowey, they burned it down. I'm sorry (y/n)."

Your eyes widen. "Was anyone inside?"

Frisk shook his head and you let out a sigh of relief. "But," he started. "No one knows where your mother is. I'm sorry."

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes.

Chara spoke next. "On the bright side, you can stay with us!"

You nodded a bit and tried to smile. A tear fell from your eye and Frisk brushed it away. "Don't worry love, we'll be together forever. Just the three of us. Don't worry about a single thing. Now, how about you relax while me and Chara go make you something to eat?"

You nodded before closing your eyes, unaware of the smirks Chara and Frisk were sending each other. They finally had you all to themselves, and they were never, ever, letting you go.

A/N! Hay guys, here ends this story. Sorry if it sucked and was short and stupid, it's just something I'd put together and called it a thing. Have a nice day(or night, or afternoon, or whatever it is wherever you are).

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