The proposal

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Alex point of view:

Tonight I'm proposing to Amanda. I'm so fucking nervous, I'm worried that I would mess up or something. Then I started to have negative thoughts in my mind

What if I drop the ring in the water because I'm proposing to Amanda by the ocean! Worse of all, what if she doesn't say yes,!  what if she says no!

My thoughts get interrupt by a knock on the door.

"Who is it"? I say getting ready to fight if it's a robber on the other side of the door.


My fist looses up when I know that my brother is on the other of the door hoping that he has the ring for tonight.

"Sam, I hope you have the ring". I say opening the door

"I do here safe and sound". He says handing me the black miniature box. I open it to see the ring one last time before I put it on my soon-to-be-fiance

"It's a beautiful ring alex, I think she's gonna love it". Sam says

"Yeah I hope so". I say heading to the door

"Make yourself a home, but don't be here when I get back, I'll text you when we're on our way back. Keep it clean got it Sam"? I say

"Yeah I got it". Sam says

I head to the lobby of the hotel where amanda is suppose to met me. She walks down the stairs looking gorgeous as ever. She had a red dress on that show her curves perfectly, her long black hair in tight curls.

"You look absolutely gorgeous amanda".

"Thank you, you look handsome your own self".

She comes down and kisses me. Me and Amanda have been dating for maybe a year now and it's been great expect for her asking or giving hints about me proposing to her for the longest but after tonight, she won't be asking anymore.

{At the restaurant}

"This is beautiful Alex so romantic". Amanda says while pull out chair so she can sit

"It's all for you baby girl". I say sitting down but nervous as hell.

"What are you going to get baby". Amanda ask me looking at the menu

"Um probably the steak & onions". I say

A young waitress came over to take our order

"Hi, what can I help you with tonight"? She says

"Um I'll get the lobster & potatoes". Amanda says.

"And what kind of drink would you like"? The waitress ask amanda.

"Pepsi". She say

"And what would you like sir"? The waitress says looking at me

"Steak & onions. A Pepsi as well".

{Proposal time}

"This is very romantic of you alex. Are you finally going to propose tonight"? Amanda says

"I knew this question was going to be asked tonight so I wanted to tell you this. You have been my crush since we were in middle school, but then you got with Jared and it kinda broke my heart but then I started dating someone as well which was lizzy. But you broke up with Jared and I broke up with Lizzy and me and have been together for a year now, so I want to make it official".

Her eyes widen when i get down on one knee.

"Amanda, would you be my wife"?

"Yes, yes yes! I will be your wife"!

I put her ring on her finger and kiss her for the longest.

{In the car}

I almost forgot to text Sam and tell him to be out of the apartment before I get back. I look over at my fiance which is admiring her ring on her finger. I decide to text my brother because he's probably still at the hotel.

(Phone conversation)

Alex: Are you still at the house?

Sam: I'm heading out the door right now. Did she say yes?

Alex: Yeah, she's in the passenger seat looking at it.

Sam: haha that's good, I want to be the best man at your wedding okay?

Alex: yeah you will. Love you bro.

Sam: love you too.

(End of phone conversation)

We get to the house and thankfully, Sam was not there.

I throw her on the the bed and start kissing her passionately but stop to do something.

"Hold on, I'll be right back". I get up from the bed and pick up a card that says 'do not disturb' and put it on the outside knob of the hotel room.

"Now where were we"? I say coming back to the bed

Author's note: Sorry it took me so long to update😢 But I hope this chapter made you forget about it! The main reason why I haven't been updating is because as everyone knows that Houston Texas has been torn up by a hurricane called Harvey and it was a hurricane named Irma  that torned up Cuba, Puerto Rico  and many more countries. Now it's coming to south Florida and north Florida and it's not good😢 so just pray for all of the places that has been torn up🙏😭

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