★Salt Sugar Sanity #2★

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"Alright well, what makes you laugh?"

"Uh burning buildings. Children dying,  world hunger! Woah just kidding. I love Korean sh*t. Especially 마마무. If you are gonna look it up its M-a-m-a-m-o-o.  Can you believe the main rapper and I both are named Byul?!"

"K-pop? Hmm not sure what that is but I'll search some up." He glanced over at Zane and swiftly grabbed his phone.

" You don't know what it is? You live in KOREA and you don't know KOREAN Pop?" He gave her the phone with a Tumblr page full of incorrect 마마무 quotes. 

"You sure are a piece of work aren't you? " He looked down at her legs noticing a brace.  "What's that for?"

"Since I'm so tall, I've had very bad growing pains because as if living in Asia and being a female of my height isn't  annoying enough." She scoffed. "What's special about you?"

"Uh.. what is special about me." He tapped his chin slightly. "I mean I learned self-defense when I was 6. That's special right?" At this point, Ace and Zane were sitting on the flower beds talking about the seven deadly sins and other random conversations. 

"Flex for me then Hot stuff!" Eun fluttered her eyes sarcastically. Desmond snickered as he raised up his arms. "Look I have sooo much muscle Wow!"  Curiously, she poked at it " Pretty solid"

"My arms are pretty pathetic if ya ask me. Gotta work on them." 

"What are you then? I'm sure you have muscles for a reason. Are you an Instagram model?"

" Dude I WISH! I'm kinda just a soldier."

"From... .where? What country?" Eun had always been told by her Korean- American foster mom that terrorist could be normal people in disguise from other countries.  She held her guard up. 

"Ah well . . . will you hit me if I say America?" He said with a nervous smile on his face. " But I was transferred to the base here in Korea.

"Don't worry we're allies. I'm not North Korean. Don't nuke me and we will be good as gold!" Desmond smiled one of those rare smiles. " Alright, I won't attack ya!"

 "Whoops forgot I still have this. " He tossed the phone back to Zane.  As he caught it, he huffed " I swear you two are so annoying."

"Do you really want to give me that attitude? We could easily use you as a soccer ball and kick you around." Desmond chimed in  "Oh I sure do love midget ball"

"What! No no no. Hell NO! I am not a sports ball." He hissed.

"It isn't a sport its... an art!" Again Desmond joined in  "Ah yes, the most glorious art of them all!"  Zane huffed before storming off. 

Eun smiled brightly"Now that one of Snow White's  7 dwarfs is gone, I can actually talk to you. So how old are you?"

"Oh geeze, I feel old. I just turned 18 not too long ago. Well it was like months ago but that's recent enough. What am I even saying?"

"Oh come on! Just a bit younger than you." Eun tsked disappointedly.  " Although I'll be 18 in...  " She paused to count on her hand. "Two weeks! I'm a Virgo"

"I'm an uh... actually I don't know. I was never too good with space and all."

"Well don't blame yourself. I AM one of the best astronomers. "

"Oh, you are? Now we know each other's talents."

" I bet you thought I was a professional smart ass or something."

"Yeah, I thought that or like Know-It-All, or Sass master." Desmond laughed slightly.

"I'm not just 155 lbs of bones and organs!" 

"Well, I figured that. You're more like 155 lbs of Salt and Sass- " Eun interrupted him looking up with puppy eyes. "Aren't I  just a BIT sweet?" She batted her eyes. 

 "Yeah like a whole 1%" Desmond smirked. 

"Which is still higher than  your grade average!" Her face was full of contentment as she finger gunned him. 

"Woah Shots fired! Man My feelings..." He gasped holding his hand over his heart. " The paaaain.  I've been shot by the damn Chinese. "Man down!"

"I'm gonna actually shoot ya if ya ever call me Chinese again"  She smirked. " Cause I will Phuc Eu up. Us  Koreans don't go easy?"

" Damn are all of you like this feisty? I don't know how long I'll be here but so far it feels great. I'd love to stay here any day.

"With the way politics have been, I'm sure you'll be here for a very long time. Are you on an American base or do you live in actual Korea?"

" For now I'm just stationed on the base, but as you said, I might as well be living here. " He sighed.

"If you haven't  noticed, every time I go to the Shijang or even the local tea shop, I almost hit my head. I was like 1.8 cms from the top of the door!"

" But at least you aren't Asian. They expect Asian girls to be short. You Americans are known to be taller. The tall around here  5'5! I am FOUR inches over the taller than tall!"

"Woah You're like abnormal!"

"Yeah, but it's probably better than being a short boy from America!" She glanced over at Zane. 

"I get it! I get it! I'm short ok ?" Zane snapped. 

"Every time you say short I'm gonna make you put  1000 won in the  Tiny Jar." Eun giggled. " kekeke"

"We can put it up on the top shelf so he has to climb up to get it. He would probably be too lazy tho. We could just throw him into  the bay instead." Desmond pointed out. 

"You get his feet. I'll get  his arms!"

"Sounds like a good plan to me. Maybe we get the other one too! Twice the tiny gnomes!" Desmon laughed evilly. 

"And three we could TRIPLE it! Do you see any around." Eun cackled. 

Satsu who was walking over to Ace and Zane to see if they knew the whereabouts of Amara, overheard the conversation.  " Well would you look at the time" She pretended to look at an imaginary watch. "I guess I better get going! hehe..heh.." She tried running but instead, she tripped right over her own foot.

"Look another one!" Desmond called out looking at the girl laying on the sidewalk covered in her own green hair.  "This place is full of them." Eun mumbled, "I mean this is Korea so... and uh how the hell did you trip? What are you blind??" 

"Well like um... I am.. " 

                                                                          ★To Be Continued★

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