Chapter 5

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Jasmine led Renji towards the Transfiguration room, "Which class do you have after this one?"

"Arithmancy," Renji replied as Ron and Hermione rushed up behind them.

Hermione pointed at her, "Why do you keep going ahead of us?"

"You didn't ask me to wait for you," Jasmine replied earning frowns.

"We shouldn't have to," Ron blurted out making Jasmine frown at him.

Jasmine turned to Renji, "The room is right there, I will be inside soon enough."

Renji inclined his head before moving towards the door that she indicated. Hermione looked at Jasmine in concern as the teenage witch ran a hand through her hair, "Jazz, are you feeling alright?"

"I had a weird dream last night and it's messing me up a bit," Jasmine explained earning winces, "And no it wasn't a vision. I know the damn difference now," She was getting tired of people asking about that, "As for why I didn't bother waiting, you two were rather caught up with one another and I thought it would be polite to give you privacy,"

"Oh, Jazz," Hermione smiled weakly at her, "Sorr-"

"Don't worry about it," Jasmine turned and began walking towards the door, "We should get inside since I doubt Professor McGonagall will tolerate us being late,"


Packing up her things, Jasmine picked up her bag as Hermione said, "I've got Arithmancy."

Jasmine turned to Renji, "Hermione can show you, if you'd like."

Renji inclined his head and Hermione beamed at him, "Follow me."

Jasmine turned and began walking out of class. She was stopped by the purple haired male that had entered her first compartment after Ken and the others. He smiled at her, "Miss Potter, might I inquire about your next lesson?"

"I have a free class at the moment though I'm planning on going to see the Ancient Runes Professor," She informed him earning a grin.

"Perhaps you would be kind enough to show me as I have that class soon enough?" He asked earning a nod, "Fantastique,"

Jasmine began to walk towards the classroom that Hermione had dragged her to a few times, "What is your name by the way? I do not believe I caught it."

"I am Shu Tsukiyama," He replied with a smile, "I wish to apologize for any trouble I caused back on the train,"

"It is alright since it was bound to happen at some point," Jasmine waved off his apology, "I'm actually glad it happened since I got to meet Renji, Itori, and Uta,"

For some reason, Jasmine could only think of Shu as Tsukiyama. It seemed like she couldn't possibly call himself something else. It was the same thing with calling Ken his last name. Jasmine knew it was connected to the dreams, but couldn't figure out why. Shaking off as she noticed Tsukiyama stiffen slightly, Jasmine heard him bite out, "Oh?"

"Mhmm," Jasmine hummed lightly, "They're rather nice to talk to and I really enjoy their presence,"

Tsukiyama let out a low laugh, "Interesting."

Soon enough, they reached the Ancient Runes classroom and Jasmine knocked on the door as Tsukiyama left her. She entered when given permission and got ready to speak with the Professor.


The rest of the day passed in relative ease though Jasmine found herself growing annoyed by the stares that followed her. By dinner, Jasmine was about ready to throw something and decided to eat in the kitchen rather than face the crowds. The elves were used to Jasmine popping into the kitchen for a meal or three every other week though it was surprising for her to come in so early in the year. They took in in stride and Jasmine managed to enjoy her dinner while congratulating the elves on their Japanese dishes. When Jasmine headed up to the common room, she found Renji sitting with Uta and Itori. Itori caught sight of her and grinned, "Jazz! Where were you at dinner?"

"I decided to eat in the kitchens," Jasmine walked over to them and sat down on her favorite arm chair, "It's far less noisy and people can't stare at me,"

"You know where the kitchens are?" Itori asked earning a nod, "Can you show me?"

"Maybe another time," Jasmine didn't know if the elves could handle Itori.

For some reason, the thought of the elves meeting Itori was really scary. Perhaps it's due to Itori reminding her of someone in those odd dreams. For whatever reason, Jasmine planned on delaying the meeting as much as possible. Jasmine ignored Itori's pout as Uta commented, "This common room is rather..."

"Gaudy?" Jasmine asked earning a nod and she smiled, "Yeah. While some red and gold is nice, they really should've cut back on it," 

"So Jazz," Itori looked at Jasmine with a grin, "When were you going to tell us that you were Potter?"

Jasmine frowned at Itori, "Why does it matter? I don't care about the fame or anything."

Itori opened her mouth when Renji spoke, "Itori."

Itori pouted at him, but didn't say anything else about that. Jasmine gave him a thankful look before asking, "How was your first day?"

"Busy," Uta murmured softly.

"It was fun, but boring," Itori pouted earning a soft laugh from Jasmine.

"The first week or so is going to be boring since we're mostly going over what we learned last year," Jasmine relaxed into her chair, "Though, I kind of like how slow it is,"

Itori looked like Jasmine had started talking in tongues, "What? Why?"

Jasmine pulled out her sketchbook, "It gives me time to draw not to mention it keeps everyone bus-"

The portrait hole opened and in came the Gryffindors. They all stopped as soon as they noticed Uta and Itori. Ron stared at the two in shock before saying, "You snakes can't be here."

"Ron there isn't any rule that says we can visit the other houses common rooms," Jasmine felt defensive over these three for some reason and wouldn't allow her first friend to make them uncomfortable, "So leave them alone. I'm fine with them being here and Renji is their friend,"

"But Jazz, they're slimy snakes!" Ron protested loudly earning an eye-roll.

"Ron, they just arrived here," Jasmine wanted to slap him upside the head for attempting to pull that shit, "Not to mention, I like them and they aren't bad people. Don't you trust me?"

Ron looked like he was torn between arguing and horrified at his apparent lack of trust in Jasmine. Hermione entered and took in the scene before asking, "What's going on?"

"Ron apparently doesn't trust my judgement anymore," Jasmine informed her earning a splutter from the ginger haired teen.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Ron, if she says they're okay, they are fine being here. Just," Hermione looked at Jasmine, "Make sure they leave an hour before curfew. They'll need time to get down to their dorms."

Giving Hermione a salute, Jasmine relaxed back into her chair and watched the formally bushy haired witch drag off the ginger haired wizard. Jasmine gave the other Gryffindors a look and they quickly scattered while sending her nervous glances. Jasmine looked at Itori as the crimson haired teen commented, "You have them well trained."

"Of course," Jasmine let out a soft sigh as she remembered the D.A and their training, "I spent a good portion of last year training them,"

Itori giggled softly, "Oh, do tell."

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