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After taking a million photos of Juyeon, Chanhee looks through all of the pictures of this handsome boyfriend.
When he suddenly feels a hand on his
shoulder and a hand snake around his thin waist.
"Hey, whatcha looking at?" he hears a husky voice say in his ear.
Chanhee turns around and sees his boyfriends face inches away from him smirking. He blushes and proceeds to say "pictures of my handsome boyfriend" bluntly. Juyeon is caught off guard from Chanhee's bluntness and blushes.
Chanhee just smiles, pecks him on the cheek and continues to look at the pictures.
Juyeon blushes even more but once he's calmed down, he kisses Chanhee on the cheek and say, "I love you."
"I love you too." Chanhee responds with a light blush on his pale face as he continues to look at the picture of his handsome boyfriend.


I'll try and update regularly !!! but please tell me how you feel about this !!! Its short but its my first time sooo... >.<

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