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listen to the song if you wanna cry
Bold = Chanhee's thoughts
Italics = Dialogue
WARING!!! Explicit Language!!!


Its was 4 am. Chanhee rubbed his eyes and pulled the cover off of him when he realized something was wrong. He turned to his side and saw that Juyeon wasn't gone. Chanhee was confused. Juyeon is always in bed right now. I know he stays up working but he's usually in bed.
Chanhee said to himself as he got up. When he was about to open his bedroom door he heard a noise.
"J-Juyeon stop, he's gonna hear us" a high pitched voice said.
Chanhee slowly opened the open and quietly went to where the voice was coming from. The voices were coming from the living room.
"It's okay, he's asleep he won't hear us." 
he heard Juyeon's voice said.
What am I gonna hear? Why is Juyeon wake at 4am. Chanhee thought as he went closer and closer to the living room.
As the closer he got to the living room, he heard soft laughs and whispers.
"S-Sssh you're too loud Ju" the high pitched voice said.
"Babe its 4am, it doesn't matter he's not gonna hear us." Juyeon said.
BABE?!?! Who is Juyeon calling babe?? Chanhee thought to hisself as he he ran to the living imagining the worst.
When he finally got to the living room he just stood still. What he saw was something he never imagined Juyeon to do. So this is what heartbreak feels like. Chanhee thought to himself as a single tear rolled down his cheek. He raised his hand to wipe his cheek and that's when Juyeon finally noticed him standing their.
Juyeon's eyes went wide as he scrambled to get off of the lady he was sleeping with. The lady got up and ran out of the dorm.
"Chanhee, this isn't what it looks like" Juyeon said as he walked closer to Chanhee.
"No! This is exactly what it looks like!!" Chanhee said as he raised his voice.
Wow, calm down babe, no need to get made." Juyeon said as he reached for Chanhee's hand. Chanhee scoffed and swiped his hand away.
"No need to get mad, Juyeon I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO GET MAD, YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME!! I LITERALLY CAUGHT YOU FUCKING CHEATING ON ME!!!" Chanhee screamed as hot tears rolled down his face.
"It was an accident babe." Juyeon said as he pouted and held Chanhee's arms. Chanhee pushes Juyeon away from him.
"A fUCKING ACCIDENT!?!?! HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY CHEAT ON SOMEONE!!! TELL ME JUYEON, HOW?!!!" Chanhee yelled at Juyeon as he wiped away his tears.
Juyeon looked at him. "Babe I swear it was an accident.I didn't mean it, I love you Chanhee" Juyeon said as he held Chanhee's hands, and looked straight at him. Chanhee looked at the floor, trying to compose himself.
"Babe look at me," Juyeon tilted Chanhee's head up. "I still love you, I did't mean to do. That girl wasn't even that hot. It was an accident" Juyeon said as he smiled at Chanhee.
Chanhee pushed Juyeon away from him. Juyeon looked confused.
"B-babe wha-"
"Get out of my fucking house you asshole." Chanhee said through teary eyes and gritted teeth.
"LEAVE JUYEON!!! FUCKING GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!! WE'RE DONE!!! YOU FUCKING BROKE MY HEART ASSHOLE"  Chanhee screamed as he pushed Juyeon out of his house.
"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN YOU FUCKING JACKASS!!!" Chanhee yelled as he slammed the door in Juyeon's face and slid down.
Chanhed sat with his back to the door. Juyeon kept knocking on the door.
"Chanhee, Babe let me in. I promise I won't ever do this again." Juyeon said. Chanhee stood up and to the kitchen. He looked through the drawers and them he finally saw it. A black garbage bag. Chanhee took the black bag and went to his room. He opened the door, turned on the lights and went straight to the closet. He opened the closet big enough to fit an elephant and started grabbing Juyeon's clothes left to right. He took the shirts and took them off the hanger and threw them into the bag. He also threw everything that belonged to Juyeon in the room into that back.
The last thing Chanhee grabbed before he left the room was a little black box with a red bow wrapped around it. Chanhee started at the box and started tearing up. Chanhee stopped before he started cry. Chanhee grabbed the bag full of Juyeon's stuff and the box and open the door to see Juyeon sitting down. Juyeon stood up and smiled. "Babe I knew you were- Wait what's in the bag?" Juyeon said as he pointed at the black bag.
"Your stuff" Chanhee said as he shoved the black bag into Juyeon's arms.
"W-What?" Juyeon said as he held the black bag. He looked so dumb with his mouth hanging open looking confused.
"Oh yeah, Happy anniversary asshole." Chanhee said as he threw the gift to Juyeon and closed to door.
After he closed the door, Chanhee went to his room. Chanhee looked around jis room and then he finally found it. A blue photo book on his book shelf. Chanhee grabbed the blue photo book and sat down on his bed. Chanhee flipped through the book. Pictures of when he was a baby, first day of school and with his parents. Chanhee started smiling looking at the pictures, reminiscing on the past. Chanhee flipped the page once more. He frowned.
Together Forever!! I love you Chan!!!
It was a polaroid of Juyeon and him on their first date 3 years ago. Chanhee took the photo and held it. All the sudden tears started falling onto the polaroid. Chanhee quickly wiped his tears away and sniffled.
He got up and went to his desk. He rummaged through the desk until he found what he was looking for. Scissors. Chanhee grabbed the scissors and the polaroid and sat back down. He grabbed the scissors and started cutting at the polaroid until Juyeon was no longer in the picture.
"You broke my heart Lee Juyeon" Chanhee said as he looked at the now freshly cut polaroid of Juyeon sitting at a booth made for two. Chanhee took the polaroid and threw it in the trash. He set the scissors on his desk and went back to his bed. He laid down, pulled the cover up and cried.
"I hate you Lee Juyeon for breaking my heart." Chanhee said as closed his red puffy eyes and drift off to sleep.

Authors Note

OMFG I made Juyeon an asshole in this knfddfh rip I love you Juyeon. I bet Juyeon would never do this. (I hope not) but this is like the most I've ever written before !!! Did yall like it? Was it too angsty?? This is the first time I've ever written a break up scene before..... well please tell me if you enjoyed it and leave some suggestions/ideas for the next little one shot !!! 🌹

btw i cried while writing this TT kjfdfh

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