Life for the imperfect-chapter fifteen

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  • Dedicated to Emma

"Chloe, would you like to introduce me to your friend." Mum asked me, not so subtlety wiggling her eyebrows.

I sighed, "Mum, this is Danny. Danny, Mum." I gestured to each of them as I said their name.

Danny stood and held out his hand, being a fake gentleman, "Nice to meet you, Ms....."

"McAdams." I said for him, shaking my head at his inability to remember my name.

Mum shook his hand and replied, "Nice to meet you too."

Then she said something I wished she didn't, "You can go study in Clo's room."

As I was behind him, I was making giant 'no' gestures by running my hand horizontally in front of my neck, which made me look like I was cutting my neck off.

Danny turned to me and I pretended that I hadn't been doing that.

"Let's go, Danny." I said, unhappily.

As we went up the stairs, I turned around to see mum mouth 'He's cute!' to which I just rolled my eyes.

When we got into my room, Danny dropped the nice facade.

"Come on then, Nerdy. Let's study!" he said with fake enthusiasm as he walked around my room, inspecting it.

When he got to my band posters, he shook his head, "Really? Nickelback, Bon Jovi, Pink, Queen. And who the hell are the Village People and Daft Punk?"

I stared at him wide-eyed, "Only the greatest artists in all of history."

He walked past the guitar on my wall, signed by Chad from Nickelback, and he touched it!

I ran to him, "No, please don't." I grabbed his hands and moved them away from the guitar.

He shook his head at me and kept walking. He got to my bookshelf wall. Yes, the bookshelf actually took up the whole wall. They were mostly special editions. Of course it also included, but was not limited to, Harry Potters, Hunger Games, Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, and an almost complete collection of Terry Pratchett books. This collection included two copies of WeeFree Men and three copies of The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents.

As Danny walked past this he shook his head and went to reach for a book.

"Please don't." I squeaked, resisting the urge to reach out and slap his hand.

He laughed at me and shook his head, "Fuck, you're weird."

"Language!" I said to him sternly.

He laughed again and jumped on my bed. He put my headphones on and pressed play. He quickly pressed pause and took them off, "What the fuc..."


"What the heck is this shit?"

I sighed and said, "Only the greatest music you will ever hear other than Bon Jovi."

"Let's get to work." I said and grabbed my English books.

He sighed and sat up. "Okay." he agreed, but still refused to help.

"You came all the way to my house just to not help?!" I asked incredulously.

"Yep." He replied, popping the 'p'.

I breathed out, trying hard to be nice to him. "Why can't you help?"

"Because I don't want to work with you and I hate romance. English is bullshit and I never wanted to do this stupid project. I would have even been upset doing it with my friends, but at least it would be with cool people. Just the idea of working with you, know-it-all bitch, makes me sick. I hate you." The anger and contempt in his voice was evident.

His sudden outburst, despite upsetting me, wasn't telling me anything I didn't know.

I sighed tiredly, "Danny, can you please just try to help for today?"

"Really? After my big speech that's all you have to say?"

I just sighed again and nodded.

He shrugged and decided to try to help. To his credit, he did try, he just wasn't very helpful because he didn't know what the story was about.

At about 8:30, we called it a night and Danny went home. I, tired, practically collapsed on my bed and was soon out cold.

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