7 facts about goldfish

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1) Visual acuity allows them to distinguish between different humans. Owners may notice that fish react to them (swimming to the front of the glass, swimming rapidly around the tank, and going to the surface mouthing for food) while hiding when other people approach the tank. 

2) Goldfish that have constant visual contact with humans stop seeing them as a threat. After being kept in a tank for several weeks, sometimes months, it becomes possible to feed a goldfish by hand without it shying away.

3) They can distinguish between different shapes, colors and sounds.

4) Loads of people think that goldfish only have a memory span of three seconds but actually it is three months.

5) As of April 2008, the largest goldfish in the world was believed by the BBC to measure 19 inches (48 cm), and be living in the Netherlands.

6) The goldfish is native to east Asia.

7) It was first domesticated in China more than a thousand years ago.

This is completely random and you might have found it really boring. But I didn't. You never know it could help on you in a random quiz some day or if you want to become an aquariamist one day.

Million dollar question on who wants to be a milliner.

                      "Goldfish have a memory of

                                         a) 3 seconds?

                                         b) 3 minutes?

                                         c) 3 months?

                                         d) 3 Years? 

P.S Happy Hoppy Easter to all you rabbits out there.

P.P.S (and humans)

P.P.P.S   (*8B                           rabbit smile (ish) 

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