Book fan people

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Ok so i was just wondering if there is any one still reading this out there.

So i really love the Hunger Games and the Lord of the Rings and Narnia. I know fans of THG are called Tributes (i think, please tell me if i am wrong) but what are fans of Narnia and LOTR called or do they not have a name? Coz i'm unknowledgeable. Also if was from any district i would love to be from either 4 or 7 coz i love the sea and the woods.

Also something else about THG, this is like the only thing i find annoying, is she spends so much time describing all the food and cloths and she spends like an entire paragraph talking about leg waxing but she kills Finnick (one pf my fav characters) of in like one sentence. ONE BLOODY SENTENCE.

Sorry it is really short. Im just in the middle of writing a new chapter for my other book called Skimming Stars which is about the hunger games. 'Twas just a question and a point out.

Writing SS is making me really depressed because i know that SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVNT READ MOCKING JAY Finnick dies in the end and its really hard not to think about it when i am writing about him and Annie. :-(

Anyway ta for reading

Emily XXX

Don't read the next sentence

You bad ass reader

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