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chimerical (adj)  /kaɪˈmerɪk(ə)l/ : existing only in one's mind, unreal

chimerical (adj)  /kaɪˈmerɪk(ə)l/ : existing only in one's mind, unreal

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"Did you enjoy college, Yoongi?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Yoongi muttered his reply.

"You never really talk about it, that's all. I mean, it was just six or seven months ago, but I've never heard you saying anything about it. Tell me about college, Yoongi."

"Well what do you want to know, Kyunghee?"

"Oh I don't know, tell me about your friends," Kyunghee said, sitting down next to Yoongi on their blue-grey couch. "I've met Hoseok," she continued, "Maybe only because he works with you. You talk to Namjoon sometimes on the phone.

“But I found this photobook in your cupboard and it has a picture of some other guys too. Who are they?”

Yoongi smiled softly to himself, remembering the little trip to the beach that had given rise to so many pictures that the memories filled an entire photo album.

“Seokjin hyung was there, he went to the same college as us. The other two were from the high school opposite to our college campus.”

"Other three, you mean," Kyunghee cut in.


“You mean, the other three were in the high school opposite to yours. There are three other boys in the group picture, Yoongi.”

“Kyunghee, sweetie, there's only two of them, see? Taehyung, Namjoon's brother, and Jimin, his friend.”

“But, Yoongi—”

“You should go rest, Kyunghee. I think you're tired.”

“No, Yoongi, listen to me—”

“Go sleep, Kyunghee, I'll bring you some tea to drink later. You shouldn't stress yourself."


Inspired by and based on the Love Yourself highlight reels and other BTS timelines.

Chimerical • Min Yoongi (+ Jeon Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now