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"I think I'm going to take a day off today," came a voice from behind Yoongi

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"I think I'm going to take a day off today," came a voice from behind Yoongi. He turned around to see Kyunghee leaning against the headboard with her legs tucked under the baby blue blankets. "I feel tired and i just don't feel like going all the way to work today," she groaned.

"You're not sick are you?" Yoongi fretted, rushing to check her body temperature and sighing in relief when it was in conformity with the temperature expected at homeostasis. "Aniyo just tired," replied Kyunghee. "Alright," Yoongi whispered, leaning in to softly kiss her forehead before telling her, "I'll go get your phone so you can make the call as soon as possible."

He paused before going on, "And then I'll make you some ramen, how does that sound?" He could feel his heartbeat quicken when Kyunghee beamed brightly at him, even six months into the relationship. "You're the best," Kyunghee said gratefully, and Yoongi had to turn around and walk off in the direction of Kyunghee's phone to hide the stupid smile slowly growing on his face.

As he was bringing the phone back to its owner, a voice at the back if his mind tried reminding him of the time he found the name of an unknown man displayed on the screen of Kyunghee's smartphone. The voice, however, ended up being ignored, for Yoongi was feeling far too cheerful to allow uncomfort to seep in and ruin his mood.

In fact, the entire universe seemed to be on Yoongi's side that day. When Yoongi slipped the rose gold phone into his girlfriend's hand and was about to turn away to get ready for his own job, he felt a slender hand wrap around his wrist, pulling him back for a kiss to say 'thank you'. Or, more likely, just a random kiss.

As Yoongi walked towards the wardrobe, he smiled sheepishly at how like the typical couples, he and Kyunghee were. But he was completely unapologetic when he realized that he really didn't care.

When he walked back after getting ready, Kyunghee was staring at the ceiling with utmost focus. "What are you looking at so weirdly? Cuz I'm pretty sure there is no Mary or Jessica up there on our ceiling," Yoongi said, smiling at his own jest.

"Yoongi-ssi," Kyunghee sighed.

Yoongi's face was stripped of the previously displayed smile. There was something about Kyunghee's tone which told him that the conversation had gotten quite serious. "What is it?" he urged, sitting next to her, at the edge of the bed.

"Don't get mad, okay?" Kyunghee was fiddling with the blanket material she held between her hands. Yoongi nodded. "We need to talk about what you saw on my phone the other day."

For a few moments, the only sound heard was the echo of the water dripping from the slightly leaky faucet in the bathroom sink. Then -

"Jeon Jeongguk."

Kyunghee seemed surprised that it was Yoongi who broke the silence first, that too by uttering the name she had come to be so preoccupied with.

Chimerical • Min Yoongi (+ Jeon Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now