Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Maddie's POV

It was finally Friday, one more school day until spring break. I woke up, mentally unprepared for school this morning, because I know none of my teachers were going to do any actual work today. I threw on a cute outfit, put on light make up, and just brushed through my hair, leaving it in its natural waves.

As I was walking to first period I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see, Bridget. Bridget and I have been friends all through high school and last year, she started dating Zayn.

"Guess who has exciting news for you!?" She sang in my ear.

"Who!?" I cheered mocking her enthusiasm.

"Fine, I just won't tell you." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. What did you want to tell me?" She pulled me to the side of the hallway and grabbed onto my forearms.

"So, yesterday Zayn was hanging out with the boys,"

"I know they were outside of my house." I cut her off in mid sentence.

"Thank you." She said sarcastically. "Anyway, I talked to Zayn, when he went home and he mentioned something that you-know-who said about you." She nudged me with her elbow.

I didn't want anyone to know about my feelings towards Harry, but Bridget just figured it out. She knew me too well.

"What did he say?" I asked, maybe a little too urgently.

"Calm down." She spoke with wide eyes. "Did he ask you to hang out this weekend?" I nodded my head. "Well, he said one day over spring break he was going to explain his feelings towards you."

"What feelings?!" I never really thought about Harry liking me back. I've dreamt about it, but never expected it being reality.

"I'm not sure." She shrugged. "That's all Zayn told me. Don't tell him I told you! I promised I wouldn't."

"Your such a blabber mouth." I laughed.


The whole first half of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. What if he did like me back? Thank god the teachers weren't actually teaching because I wouldn't be paying attention at all.

I walked to lunch, still in my thoughts, when a hand pitched my side. I jumped from the feeling and turned around to see a dimply smile in my face.

"Really, Harry?" I rolled my eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up, like I expected. I couldn't control my nervousness around Harry.

"We're still on for Saturday, right?" He asked.

"Yup. What are we going to do?" We sat down next to each other at the usual, round lunch table in the back of the cafeteria.

"Um, maybe see a movie?" He suggested.

"Can we pretty please see endless love?" I begged him.

"Didn't you already see that?" He laughed.

"Yes, but it was so romantic and cute! I want to see it again." I frowned.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes.

Harry's POV

I couldn't wait for Saturday. I'm going to drop off the boys after a dinner and a movie and than I was going to bring Maddie to the playground around the corner that we met at when we were kids and tell her how I can't stop thinking about her.

I daydreamed about it as Maddie ran through the whole movie of "Endless Love".

The rest of the boys came and sat down with lunch and Maddie stood up to get some.

"Harry, are you coming?" She asked, looking down at me with her honey colored eyes.

"Um, I'll catch up with you." I told her and she walked to the lunch line. I turned to the boys, ready to begin persuading them to come on Saturday. They didn't exactly know.

"Why didn't you go get lunch with the love of your life?" Louis teased.

"Haha, you're so funny." I sarcastically stated. "What are you guys doing on Saturday?"

"Nothing." Liam answered and the rest agreed.

"Great! Now you're all coming to a movie and dinner with Maddie and I!" I smiled towards them and they all looked at each other.

"We're all going on your date?" Zayn laughed.

"Well, she doesn't really think its a date."

"Wow." Louis spoke. "This is sad."

"Shut up! Will you guys please come?" I asked.

"Fine." They all agreed.

As I explained my plan to them, I realized this is actually happening. I'm going to tell her.

{heyy, sorry nothing is bold or italicized. I'm on vacation, so I don't have a laptop or computer. If another chapter isn't like this it's just because I'm doing it on my phone. Hope you liked the chapter! It's a little less boring than the one before haha}

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