Chapter 2. Stupid Dreamers!

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"Hand them up now," Ms. Yola barks. The morning prank put her in a bad mood. She is just sitting in her desk, feet propped up, and is reading Twilight, judging by the cover.

The rustling of paper fill the air, and we act like an assembly line, going back and forth. I glance at Sophia. She looks like a nervous wreck; nothing like the girl I met this morning. Is Heaven gonna crash onto earth today? I throw a glance at Matthew. He isn't any better. This is freaking me out. They're usually act like nothing's wrong. Someone pull the fire alarm!

"Get in line!" Ms. Yola orders. My classmates, never ones to skip lunch, run to the door and create a messy line. I see some victims of the stampede, but Ms. Yola simply steps over them. "Go down the hall, take the turn, and eat," she menacingly says. I follow everyone else, wondering why Ms. Yola is worse than usual.

We enter the cafeteria. The wall to the outside is completely glass, and the my left side has the usual long line. I never trusted school food after some food poisoning incidents, so I carry my lunch box to the end of one of the six long, rectangular tables. I begin to open my box on the gray table when Sophia scoots next to me.

"What's up?" she says.

"I should ask you that," I snap. "You looked like a scared chihuaha there! Since when were you one to worry?"

"There's a lot at stake for that test," Sophia says as she picks up her chocolate milk. "Trust me."

"I'll use that excuse too," Matthew says. He sits across from us with the school food. His burger is drowning in vegetable, and the French fries smell stale. Lovely.

I notice stares from other tables. I wonder if that's the cause...

Nope. They' re too confident for that. It's probably their reputation or money. I decide to the matter behind me. The rest for the day is a blur. It still feels like I about to eat my tuna sandwich when Ms. Yola's voice and the bell fill the air.

"Alright," Ms. Yola says, "Have a nice day. Do your work, and here are your grades."

I could hear their heartbeats as they each got their papers. I am not surprised by the A+ drawn wretchedly onto the papers. I grab bag as I look at my friends. They're smiling like idiots. Yup, they passed.

"Guess what I got!" Sophia says excitedly. She's bouncing up and down as if J. K. Rowling published a new book.

"85?" I answer with a questioning voice.

"A hundred! For both!" she yells. Sophia's happiness has officially taken off to outer space. I'm scared that she'll break the ceiling if she'll jump any higher.

"Same here!" Matthew says. It looks like he had a hard time saying it louder than Sophia's OMGs.

"Great," I say, "Now please stop acting like children." I leave the room, and Follow the Leader starts.

"Oh come on!" Sophia says as she catches up. "It's a dream come true for me! Don't you believe in those kind?"

"I believe in reality," I sniff.

"You have lost your childhood," Matthew mutters as he reads the Kane Chronicles.

"What did you say?!" I snap.

"Nothing," he mutters. He smiles a little bit. I wonder what happen with Sadie this time. We sit in the auditorium for an eternity.

I start to think about what Matthew said. Is it true? I mean, I haven't lost all of my childhood. I just don't particularly like ice cream, candy, video games, fiction,...

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