Chapter 6. Learning About...Something

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"C'mon. Time to move," Matt says. As we pack up, I can't help but remember last night. That night was strangely peaceful. Not a single bad dream came up. Sophia said it was bound to happen however.

"If you were to dream, wouldn't you leave this place?" she said. "You did come here through your conscience. Traveling by dreaming is probably impossible now that you're living in your dream."

So here I am. We're currently travelling through Patnik Meadow. It looks like the Flower Field, but this time, there's no evil plants or over-sized insects. Nope, just perfectly normal. And it's just the way I like it. Well, not exactly. We continue to walk to for some time now, and this silence is unfavorable.

"So," I say, "where's the next stop?"

"Tired already?" Matt asked.

"No," I reply. "We're just in the middle of nowhere. I don't see anything from here."

"It's not far away now," Fiona interjects. She could probably sense a fight about to break out.

"Okay then," I say, and the silence continues. I know these are somewhat strangers, but there has to be something to talk about! Wait! Why haven't I asked yet? "How come we don't really know each other?" I ask. "You know, how I know you from my world, but you don't know me. Aren't you supposed to be connected or something? And why are you different from what I'm used to?"

The two exchange confused looks. They talk throught their eyes, but I don't speak it. (Or see it; which one's correct?) After five minutes, So- um, Fiona, waits for me to catch up to talk.

"It's a bit complicated," she says. "They're different theories after all. No one has really gone through any of this; you would technically be proof of the different world thing."

"You still haven't answered..." I mutter.

"I know," she says. "But the theory is that we see things at different times. I might see your world as a nightmare. I might've gone there when you aren't there, like going home. I might've seen your world when it was night or day. (The time theories aren't exactly figured out yet.) So that's for the different entry."

"The dreamer thing also varies," Matth- Matt says, walking in front of us. "Sometimes, the dreamers create themselves in a different world in their own perspective. Let's say, a small kid dreams of being a hero. It only takes that to make a new dreamer, possibly even another world. The people they created can see through the creator's eyes and create their own, making a web of dreamers an worlds."

"So we're basically part of universes stringed together," I say.

"Exactly!" Sophia-grr, I mean Fiona- says. "At least you know a thing or two now. We should probably get you A Dreamer's Guide."

"When we get there at least," I reply.

"And we're here!" Matt says. He gestures me to go forward. I gape at the landscape. It was a luscious field with modest log houses. People dress like it was still the 1800's (but what exactly is the age here?). Kids laugh as the parents walked around and greeted each other. Eager shopkeepers proudly showed off their merchandises, and fishermen were rowing on the long lakes. It is picturesque, better than the world I live in.

"Come on," Fiona says. "Time to go shopping!" She drags me into the village with sparkles in her eyes. She acts like Sophia in a bookstore. Of course, this is different. Instead of rows of books being picked apart, weapons and scrolls are being picked up and being questions about. She feels the need to go to every stall, pick an item, and ask the salesman every detail about it. Matthew-nope, Matt- continually takes her hand and complains about it.

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